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Case Analysis – (CHF) Congenital Heart Failure. Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please remember to include , introduction, body and conclusion. In this case scenario my approach will be admitting patient to the hospital due to decompensated heart failure. I propose to start pharmacologic treatment with IV loop diuretics, ACE inhibitors, Betablockers, Oxygen therapy should be started simultaneously to guarantee adecuate oxygenation, daily blood work is necessary to monitor renal function, BNP, echocardiogram for assessment evaluation of the heart condition, other non pharmacologic measures should be implemented such as fluid restriction and low sodium diet 2g/d, daily weight and strict monitoring of intake and output. On admission , social work services should be ordered of course in coordination with attending physician, for Home Health Services, which will include nursing skills and aide at home. Nursing services should be aimed to educate patient and family about prevention of risk factors of CHF exacerbation and prevention of polypharmacy in adults and how to access resources to lower cost of medications and food in the community and attendance to outpatient follow up appointments with cardiologist and primary care physician. In order to better help Mr. P and his wife to understand the teaching I will prefer to use visual aide like power point with illustrations, to help them remember the information and resources from the internet like WebMD with videos about CHF.

Teaching plan will include :

dietary recommendations and restrictions

recognition of s/s of CHF exacerbation when to sick medical attention

education about each medication, purpose, side effects.

importance of compliance with f/u appointments and Tx.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Analysis – Congenital Heart Failure
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Subject and Section
December 24, 2018
While curing physiological ailments is important in the provision of care, it is as equally important for any healthcare practitioner to be able to develop a treatment plan that provides both emotional and social support for their patients. This reflects the essence of a quality healthcare that caters for the whole well-being of the patient. In line with this, the case of Mr. P is one good example of the need to provide for an integrated approach. On the one hand, this approach should be directed to curing the underlying disease, which is Congenital Heart Failure and cardiomyopathy. On the other hand, it must also be able to work on the ‘humanistic’ side of the issue, by considering his psychological, financial and emotional situation, during the planning process. In the next section, this integrated approach would be discussed in further detail.
Cognitive Heart Failure
Since the patient is suffering with CHF and cardiomyopathy, then the primary action upon admission would be to start pharmacologic treatment with the use of IL loop diuretics, ACE inhibitors, and oxygen therapy. This should help in order to provide adequate oxygen within the patient’s system. However, in order to monitor if the patient’s condition is improving, then his vitals should regularly be measured with the help of echocardiogram, weight monitoring, and BNP. While doing this, the patient should then be educated with the need for a low sodium diet and less fluid intake. This treatment focused on medications should be done until th...
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