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Building Successful Public Health Programs Medicine, Nursing Essay

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Case Assignment
1. After reviewing the required readings, select a public health model or framework that you think will be most appropriate for planning a program to address the issue of obesity.
2. Provide the rationale for selecting the model of choice and support your statements.
3. Explain the components of the selected model. Also include the benefits and limitations of the model.
4. Select and explain the core competencies demonstrated by a public health professional in this phase of program planning.
Be sure to use credible, professional, and scholarly sources such as peer-reviewed journal articles from the Trident Online Library, and government, university, or nonprofit organizations’ websites.
Length: 3-4 pages double-spaced, excluding the cover page and the reference list. Assignment Expectations
Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric. You can view it under Assessments at the top of the page. Review it before you begin working on the assignment. Your work should also follow these Assignment .ExpectatiQn?.Privacy Policy | Contact

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Building Successful Public Health Programs for Managing Diabetes
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Building Successful Public Health Programs for Managing Diabetes
Evidence comprises facts to justify the validity of propositions. In the public health sector, evidence-based practice gets validation from either practice-based evidence or research-based evidence strategies. The selected chosen strategy for managing diabetes is a practice-based evidence strategy since its findings are applicable in real-life settings. The outcomes get driven from a real community set up that faces the diabetes burden
The rationale for Selecting the Practice-Based Evidence Strategy
The rationale for the choice of practice-based evidence strategy is its ability to address the critical evaluation criteria in managing diabetes. The approach assesses the program's relevance and involves adequate community and stakeholder participation and synergy. Also, the attributes of ethical soundness become adequately evaluated through this framework (JPHR, 2015). Other aspects of the program that receive adequate addresses include replicability, effectiveness, sustainability, and efficiency. The practice-based approach also covers the main health activities that include diabetes research, an understanding of the health systems, improved health service delivery, health promotion, and protection. The strategy leads to enhanced monitoring and evaluation of the scope of diabetes, including its morbidity and mortality rates.
Components of Practice-Based Evidence Strategy
The main components of the evidence-based strategy begin at analyzing its relevancy in the first step. Here, the target group and stakeholders' opinions get sought before developing the program. The diabetes burden, existing diabetes management, community characteristics, and the community's social perception towards diabetes get sought from the target group and stakeholders. The second component is community participation, where the community becomes empowered by improving their knowledge of diabetes and other working ways through which there is proper inclusion of the locals. At the third component, the stakeholders become identified by stating their identity and their role in the management of diabetes. Therefore, any donors or International organizations get included here. The fourth component checks if the program is ethically sound by having end-term goals that benefit more than harm (JPHR, 2015). The outcomes should respect individual privacy, consider the vulnerable groups, and respect the people's local culture. In other words, the culture of the community where the strategy becomes implemented should not get eroded. The plan should adapt to common practices even as it introduces healthy life practices that aim to manage the diabetes levels.
Another component of the evidence-based practice is the bit of replicability, which entails that the results ...
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