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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Health Care Field Research Draft Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to identify an area or topic within health care that you would like to further understand.

In this assignment, you will begin to create a research rough draft based on the information you prepared in the “Identification of a Research Topic” from the topic 1 assignment. Utilize the GCU library and locate three additional articles that will complement and support your specific topic of interest. In a 1,500- to 2,000-word research rough draft, utilizing the research process (refer to your text, Understanding Research), include the following:

An introduction to the topic.

An explanation of how the articles are used in scholarly research within health care as it relates to the allied health care profession.

A discussion of the ethical considerations for data collection.

An explanation of what the data reveals in terms of statistical analysis, including quantitative and qualitative. Include a discussion of the conclusions that can be made from the data and how it would be applied to the health care setting.

An evaluation, based on the research, of whether there is enough information to make a decision on the effectiveness on the topic as it relates to the allied health care professional.

A summary of the conclusions from the articles.

Support your rough draft with at least 3 scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Childhood Obesity: Causes, Prevention, and Cure
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Childhood Obesity: Causes, Prevention, and Cure 
Childhood obesity is one of the most prevalent healthcare problems in the world. It is also a cause of diabetes mellitus, heart disease, metabolic disorders, sleep apnea, and various other illnesses. It is crucial to know more about it in order to find ways to counter it. It is widely understood that obesity results from the imbalance between the calories we consume and the calories we burn; however, it has become confusing in children. Other than genetic factors, children are becoming excessively overweight due to increased screen time and lack of adequate exercise.
It has been found that childhood obesity is prevalent in children between the ages of 2-16 and affects almost 17% of children at some point in their adolescent years. It is an alarming figure considering the fraction of children at risk of developing chronic and potentially life-threatening illnesses. Obesity is also studied to have adverse effects on children’s developmental health and delays puberty in young adults. It can also have adverse psychological and sociological effects, hindering the relationship between identity and personality.
There is a magnitude of reasons why children become overweight. The main reason is malnutrition. Many families either do not know about healthier food options or cannot afford vegetables, fruits, and fresh meat. In a country where sodas are cheaper than water, this is bound to happen. Many families do not even know how to prepare meals, let alone make the right dietary choices. Other culprits are convenient/ready to eat foods, such as microwavable frozen dinners, salty chips and crackers, canned sauces and pasta, and junk food riddled with high fructose corn syrup. Many cultures also believe that a fat child is a healthy one, which further adds to the problem.
Overeating, or commonly referred to as ‘binge-eating,’ has become a furore. Many children resort to such indulges of unhealthy foods as a coping mechanism to momentarily forget their hardships. A significant number of overweight children come from abusive families, broken homes, are routinely bullied at school, have been sexually harassed or even assaulted. It also leads to food addiction. Some palatable foods trigger dopamine production, which is a hormone released as a response to pleasure or happiness. If children experience pleasure associated with increased dopamine, it activates their brain’s reward centers indicating that they must eat again to acquire a similar euphoria. It is making them excessively overweight and unable even to identify the problem with their eating habits.
Extensive behavioral research has shown the adverse psychological effects of technology on children. Parents nowadays believe that the more technologically advanced their children are, the more accelerated their learning abilities will become. It, however, is not the case. The youngest age a child gets any gadget has changed to 2-3 years now. This is the most crucial time of their lives in terms of learning and experiencing the world physically, but their brains and bodies are deteriorating instead of flourishing. These children are becoming ‘couch potatoes’ and losing interest in physical activities and staying chronically lazy. Being sedentary and eating, while not burning the calories they have just consumed, can have long term consequences for their mental wellbeing. These children have lesser emotional control, demand extra attention, and have trouble with their body image, self-esteem, and self-confidence. This, in turn, compels them to eat more as a masking strategy, making them obese.
Literature Review
Whatever research is initiated, the chances are that someone has already done work in that particular field or a discipline parallel to it. Likewise, referring to scholarly articles is crucial to build a personal understanding of the subject and gain knowledge. Scholarly sources are highly credible and authentic, and they serve a great deal to the quality of the papers. These articles are well-read and extensively researched. This is also a demanded attribute of academic writing to support the argument. Therefore, it is essential to bring into consideration the work of other experts. The articles reviewed for this study are Childhood Obesity: A Global Public Health Crisis (Karnik & Kanekar, 2015), Childhood obesity: causes and consequences (Sahoo et al., 2015), and Childhood obesity: prevention is better than cure (Pandita et al., 2016). These articles are unbiased and contain excessive information regarding the c...
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