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Benefits and Limitations of Social Media in Public Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

Public Health Communication and Social Media

Social media channels are designed to be engaging; however, these media are often used by public health organizations and practitioners as a means to disseminate mass information, rather than to engage audiences in meaningful interaction. Harnessing social media to best achieve public health outcomes is a topic of much discussion and study in the public health community.
For this assignment, you will analyze public health communication via social media in your community. Follow a public health organization, local or national, on a social media channel (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) for at least 3 weeks. In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words, address the following:
1. Describe the benefits/advantages and challenges/risks of using social media for public health communication.
2. Describe the organization you followed and the social media channel you selected. What kind of information is shared on social media by the organization?
3. To what degree does the organization engage with users/followers (e.g., responding to questions, engaging in conversation, hosting "chats" with experts, soliciting information)?
4. What improvements or suggestions would you make to this organization regarding its social media engagement? Why?
Use at least three scholarly sources to support your paper.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LOPESWRITE. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Public Health Communication and Social Media
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Public Health Communication and Social Media
The invention of social media has undoubtedly changed the way organizations, and consumers communicate online (Ventola, 2014). Immediately after the establishment of the internet, communication was highly official and adopted a mechanism referred to as top-down information flow whereby, organizations provided information on static webpages or information was exchanged through official emails. On such websites, consumers or employees did not communicate directly with the management (Ventola, 2014). However, the presence of social media has eliminated the formality observed in traditional internet communication methods and has massively reduced the gap between organizations and consumers. It is worth noting that unlike in the past ten years, the use of social media by individuals aged 40 years and above is immensely increasing which means that even the older people in management positions are conversant with various social media platforms (Ventola, 2014). Like any other sector, the use of social media in communication has various benefits, limitations as well as challenges in the public healthcare sector.
Benefits and Limitations of Social Media in Public Healthcare
Some of the benefits of using social media within the public healthcare sector for communication purpose include public health surveillance whereby healthcare organizations can obtain crucial information about a particular aspect of health such as the prevalence of a particular disease (Heldman, Schindelar & Weaver, 2013). A government or a public healthcare institution can use social media to ask questions about various topics, and through the same platforms, members of the public can answer such question and the information can be used to make a rough estimate on a particular health issue. Moreover, governmental healthcare institutions can use social media to disseminate crucial health care information such as warning people about a particular outbreak or advising people to change lifestyle in an attempt of promoting better health care practices (Heldman, Schindelar & Weaver, 2013). Using social media in such scenarios is advantageous because it allows public healthcare organizations to reach a huge number of people within the shortest time possible compared to traditional mass communication methods (Heldman, Schindelar & Weaver, 2013). Social media also has a huge potential of influencing public health care policy. The information posted on social media platforms may contain important elements that can be used by healthcare organizations to formulate and implement health care policies. Through social media, such an organization can collect information fast and use it to make important policies depending on views and opinions of members of the public. Traditionally, organizations have conducted research surveys before the formulation of any health care policy, processes that are expensive and time-consuming (Heldman, Schindelar & Weaver, 2013).
Some limitations and challenges accompanying the use of social media in public health care for communication include the potential loss of message control. In some instances, negative comments can misdirect and reshape the main message or conversation which can ruin the reputation of a particular institution (Heldman, Schindelar & Weaver, 2013). The use of social media in the he...
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