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Structural versus Strategic Family Therapies Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Although structural therapy and strategic therapy are both used in family therapy, these therapeutic approaches have many differences in theory and application. As you assess families and develop treatment plans, you must consider these differences and their potential impact on clients. For this Assignment, as you compare structural and strategic family therapy, consider which therapeutic approach you might use with your own client families.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Compare structural family therapy to strategic family therapy

Create structural family maps

Justify recommendations for family therapy

To prepare:

Review this week’s Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide on structural and strategic family therapies.

Refer to Gerlach (2015) in this week’s Learning Resources for guidance on creating a structural family map.

The Assignment

In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following:

-Summarize the key points of both structural family therapy and strategic family therapy.

-Compare structural family therapy to strategic family therapy, noting the strengths and weaknesses of each.

-Provide an example of a family in your practicum using a structural family map. Note: Be sure to maintain HIPAA regulations.

-Recommend a specific therapy for the family, and justify your choice using the Learning Resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assignment 1: Structural versus Strategic Family Therapies
Assignment 1: Structural versus Strategic Family Therapies
Strategic therapy and structural therapy are two therapeutic approaches that are used in family therapy. However, these two approaches are different in application and theory. Therefore, considering my practicum family, I will consider the best strategy to use for the family.
Structural Family Therapy
Structural family therapy looks at family behaviors, patterns, and relationships during the family session. The factors considered during the family session helps in analyzing the structure of the family. Additionally, the therapist may consider other subsystems such as role play during the session (Tadros & Finney, 2018). The subsystems fall under the family structure and may include sibling or parental subsystem which helps in providing more information about the family structure.
Strategic Family Therapy
Strategic family therapy examines family functions and processes including problem solving patterns and communication. Actually, the information is obtained by analyzing the family behavior outside the therapy session (Wampler et al., 2019). Ideally, the technique may involve the use of paradoxical interventions or reframing a given problem scenario to help in creating the desired objective. Generally, the technique is based on the assumption that change can occur quickly without intensive evaluation of the problem’s source.
First, the models share similarities considering their major concepts of practice. The models use a similar systematic approach in understanding pathology and directing efforts from focusing on a psychoanalytical approach to majoring on the individual and the family network. Therefore, they will help in understanding the working of and effects of intrapsychic world on a person’s health and their integration into the family structure (Stafford, Stafford & profile, 2019). Further, they help in understanding how changing interpersonal interactions helps a family in attaining successful result in therapy. Also, the models majors on understanding and treatment of the dysfunction in interpersonal relations...
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