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The Aspect of Depression and its Effects on Adolescent Patients

Essay Instructions:

My clinical question is : In adolescents with depression, is anti-depressant more effective than psychotherapy only in decreasing depression in adolescent population.
P= adolescent with depression
I= antidepressant
C= psychotherapy only
O= decreasing depression
T= not applicable in the question.
Above is my questions and the steps below must be taken in order to complete the annotated bibliography. The websites that must be used to conduct the search, complete the tables as the search is performed(see below) and do the paper, are PUBMED, CINAHL and the Joanna Briggs Institute database. At least 10 scholarly articles are needed and from those ten, four articles are to be selective to complete the annotated bibliography.
"P" is one column, "I "is another column, "C" is another column, "O" is another column and the "T' which is left blank because there was no T in my clinical question, Plus one column for "number of search" and the last column is "Notes" column.
1. Select a health-related topic applicable to your practice setting and formulate a clinical question using the PICO (T) format.
2. Identify key terms that you will use to search the literature, based on the PICO (T) elements.
3. Search for information on your formulated clinical question in each of these three databases: PubMed, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), and The Joanna Briggs Institute database.
4. Present the results of the searches in the tables provided in the “Evidence-Based Practice Searchable Clinical Questions Form” found in Course Resources. Place this completed form in the Dropbox.
5. From the articles you found during your database searches, choose four (4) scholarly peer reviewed articles that would help provide an answer or provide insight to your clinical research question and write them in an annotated bibliography format. Include which database you found the 4 articles that you choose for your annotated bibliography. Submit this APA 6th ed format paper into the Dropbox for a Turnitin Review.
6. Submit the Searchable Clinical Questions Form and your annotated bibliography paper to the Dropbox by the due date. The annotated bibliography is the only part of this assignment that you need to have the Turnitin similarity report less than 25%.
1. In Course Resources, you will find the ‘Week 5 Evidence-Based Practice Searchable Clinical Questions Form'. This is the form that you can use to document your search process and results. Below, you will find an example of how to complete the tables as you are doing each search
2. The notes section is to be completed in detail as each step of the search process is performed.
3. An optimal range of 10-15 scholarly articles is to be achieved for each database search. If this is not possible, a detailed explanation is to be included in the notes section. Do not stop too soon or you may miss some valuable article to help answer your clinical question. You want to be able to identify scholarly peer reviewed articles that will help answer or provide insight to your clinical research question so you can summarize them in an annotated bibliography written in APA 6th ed format. The annotated bibliography will be a separate Word document in APA 6th ed format.
Example: PubMed
Clinical Question: In patients with muscle spasms, is relaxation as good as anti-spasmodic medication in reducing the incidence of muscle spasms?*
The PICO (T) elements are:
P = patients with muscle spasms
I = anti-spasmodic medication
C= relaxation
O = reducing incidence of muscle spasms
T = not applicable in this case
This is supposed to be in columns but are not coming across when copy and pasted. So is there an email that I can attacked what the document should like as and have it emailed over to the company.
Search Number P I C O T # of Results Notes
1 Patients with muscle spasms 8750 I searched on the P, “patients with muscle spasms” by typing it in the search field and clicking “Search”
2 antispasmodic 46690 I searched on the I, “antispasmodic” by typing it into the search field and clicking “Search.”
3 relaxation 119010 I clicked “Clear” and typed “relaxation” in the search field. CINAHL suggested “relaxation techniques” so I chose to search on this.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Depression among the Adolescents
Institutional Affiliation
Depression among the Adolescents
The diagnosis and management of depression among the American youths, with particular emphasis with this at their adolescence state is considered as a health factor that affects the economy and the health sector of the US. According to sources, the prevalence of depression among the youth currently stands at 8.5%, an aspect that is attributed to the fact that less of this population seeks medical attention. This paper therefore seeks to develop an annotated bibliography in line with the PICOT question in determining the aspect of depression and its effects within this population.
PICOT Question
My clinical question is: In adolescents with depression, is anti-depressant more effective than psychotherapy only in decreasing depression in adolescent population.
P= adolescent with depression
I= antidepressant
C= psychotherapy only
O= decreasing depression
T= not applicable in the question.
It is essential to consider that the PICOT P, Population: I Intervention C, Comparison, O, Outcome and T Time is developed in guiding this study. The adolescents aged between 12-20 denotes as (P), determines the need of developing a tool that seeks to analyze depression (I), in comparison to other approaches of care (C) that ensures appropriate and effective measures are developed aimed at decreasing depression (O) within a given duration (T)? The aim of the PICOT question is therefore developed to determine evidence-based approaches that justify the element of depression among the American population through the use of effective tools. In considering the results of this paper, it is essential to search through multiple databases that include PUBMED, CINAHL and the Joanna Briggs Institute database including other sources from Health Care research centers dated ten years an above. In getting the results of this study, there are key search words that need to be considered. These words include: screening, depression, depressive disorders, CT, CBT and the population.
Annotated Bibliography
Wagner, S., Müller, C., Helmreich, I., Huss, M., & Tadić, A. (2015). A Meta-Analysis Of Cognitive Functions In Children, Adults And Adolescents With Major Depressive Disorder. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 24(1), 5-19. Doi: 10.1007/S00787-014-0559-2
A metal-analysis was primarily initiated with the aim of determining the effects of depression among the adolescents in America. The findings of the study indicated that a majority of adolescents presented traumatic symptoms, thus signifying their suffering from depression. The author determines that there is a need of developing a concurrent treatment method that uses psychotropic drugs and other stable stimulants in the management of depression. The inclusion of psychotherapeutic method is also essential in the management of depression. The author also mentions that depression within this population needs to be effectively managed since discoveries have been made that establish individuals in this state engage in unprotected sex and the inclusion of multiple sexual partners, a factor that would result into a health concern within a nation
Gaete, J., Martinez, V., Fritsch, R., Rojas, G., Montgomery, A. A., & Araya, R. (2016). Indicated school-based intervention to improve depressive symptoms among at risk Chilean adolescents: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 161-10. doi:10.1186/s12888-016-0985-4
According to this author, depression is considered as a disabling condition that affects individuals of all age groups, but in general, this starts during adolescence. The author therefore undertakes a test to establish the efficiency of an incorporated school-based intervention aimed at reducing the depressive symptoms among the affected adolescence basically from the low-income families. Typical antidepressants used in the management of depression as indicated in this study include mirtazapine (Remeron), bupropion (Wellbutrin), trazodone (Desyrel) and nefazodone. These medications according to this study are considered as effective in instances of mono therapy especially in major depressive disorders. Psychothe...
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