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Alzheimer’s disease. Pathophysiology. Genetics Impact

Essay Instructions:

Use Peer-reviewed articles and credible websites such as CDC, Mayo and any website with.edu. The article needs to be 5 years old (2014-2019).

Instruction what to write as listed below:

1. Alzheimer’s disease

2. Pathophysiology

3. Genetics Impact

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Alzheimer’s Disease
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Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common reason for dementia globally. AD is a neurodegenerative disorder that tends to affect an individual in their late adult life. The cases of AD are increasing swiftly with the passage of time. AD patients not only suffer emotionally but also financially. For centuries, scientists are working to introduce a proper treatment for AD but only memantine and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are approved to treat people. These drugs are not able to cure the disease entirely but it only gives indicative improvement. Over the preceding few years, the research related to the molecular and cellular process of AD is quite helpful to understand the disease to a greater extent ADDIN EN.CITE Anand2014611(Anand, Gill, & Mahdi, 2014)61161117Anand, R.Gill, Kiran DipMahdi, Abbas AliTherapeutics of Alzheimer's disease: Past, present and futureNeuropharmacologyNeuropharmacology27-5076Alzheimer's diseaseAmyloidDementiaNeuropharmacologyNeurofibrillary tangles20142014/01/01/0028-3908/science/article/pii/S0028390813003195https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropharm.2013.07.004(Anand, Gill, & Mahdi, 2014). Various new strategies have been introduced that are useful to identify a better way to transform the disease process.
Alzheimer’s Disease
The patients of AD have been increasing every year to a very startling rate. According to the current scenario, about 50 million people are affected by AD. By 2030, about 66 million people will be diagnosed with AD and it is expected that 131 million of the population worldwide will be affected with AD by 2050 that is an alarming figure. People who show AD symptoms before the age of 65 are categorized as early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (EOAD) while people who exhibit AD symptoms after the age of 65 are grouped as late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) ADDIN EN.CITE Freudenberg-Hua2018615(Freudenberg-Hua, Li, & Davies, 2018)61561517Freudenberg-Hua,YunLi,WentianDavies,PeterThe Role of Genetics in Advancing Precision Medicine for Alzheimer’s Disease—A Narrative ReviewFrontiers in MedicineGenetics and Precision Medicine in Alzheimer’s DiseaseFrontiers in Medicine5108Alzheimer’s disease,Genetics,Genomics,Risk factors,Risk variants,Genome sequencing,precision medicine20182018-April-242296-858XReview/article/10.3389/fmed.2018.0010810.3389/fmed.2018.00108English(Freudenberg-Hua, Li, & Davies, 2018). To avoid AD, it is important to have a deep understanding of the disease.
According to the pathological study, the AD described as an entirety of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles and extracellular amyloidal protein that plays a role to senile plaques. Many types of research start taking interest to explore the new pharmacological therapeutics because of improvements in the field of pathogenesis. Such advances are very helpful to give a clear insight about pathophysiological events of the AD ADDIN EN.CITE Cummings2014612(Cummings, Morstorf, & Zhong, 2014)61261217Cummings, Jeffrey L.Morstorf, TravisZhong, KateAlzheimer’s ...
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