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Alcohol Use Disorder Among Bisexual Adults

Essay Instructions:

Psychoeducational Group Final Project: Chose an underserved population (e.g. LGBTQIA+, Gender Diverse Groups, Latino, Native American, African American, women, incarcerated individuals, children in the foster care system/DCFS, veterans, refugees, immigration, sexual abuse/assault, etc. ...) affected by substance use disorders.

You will create a community-based intervention program for your chosen population based on a literature review. This project should result in a marketable psychoeducational group that you can implement at a clinical site. The psychoeducational group developed must adhere to Susan Furr’s (2000) articles format for designing groups including 2 phases of development. The first phase is the conceptual phase that includes 3 steps (1) statement of purpose (2) establishing goals and (3) setting objectives. The second phase is the operational phase that also includes 3 steps (1) selection of content (2) designing experiential activities and (3) evaluation. See Furr's (2000) article for more details. You must be specific and detailed in describing their intended audience of this group and must provide demographic research on the chosen population and use evidence to support the developed curriculum’s implementation with this specific population for this specific substance-related concern. Specificity is key here; broad unspecific psychoeducation is not going to be salient and impactful.

You must have no less than 10 scholarly articles/resources that serve as the empirical and/or theoretical foundation for the planned intervention, demonstrating need and necessity, rationale and scientific and conceptual basis, and appropriateness of your curriculum/interventions for your population. The paper is expected to be anywhere between 10-12 pages, APA 7th Edition format!

*Headers/Sections are as follows...THESE NEED TO BE INCLUDED:

Foundational Research and Demonstrated Need

Statement of Purpose

Community Served

Goals and Objectives

Format and Structure

Content and Experiential Activities


(I am attaching the Furr (2000) article and some brief images that the instructor shared as an example of a previous students paper.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Alcohol Use Disorder among Bisexual Adults
Your Name
Course and Section
Professor’s Name
March 15, 2023
Foundational Research and Demonstrated Need
In human history, substance use has generally been for spiritual objectives and has been entirely consistent with each nation's culture. Substance use is now a form of entertainment and treatment for some health issues. Most narcotics are considered lawful since they are available to everyone and permit excessive use. However, some are prohibited because of their severe dangers to human awareness. Individuals who suffer from depression frequently utilize this substance to alleviate their symptoms temporarily. They do so by consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, which eventually results in addiction. Psychiatric interventions, such as psychoeducational groups that allow interaction with other patients to tackle the problem better, are used to treat these addictions.
Community Served
This community-based intervention program aims to provide bisexual individuals who are members of the minority population living under the poverty threshold ($13,788 for one person and $27,740 for a household of four) with alcohol use disorder with psychoeducational group treatment (AUD) in the Bronx, New York. The LGBTQA+ group is experiencing an increase in prejudice, and some of its members are suffering from despair and alcoholism, particularly in the case of the bisexual community (Department of Health & Human Services, 2022). By addressing the particular difficulties bisexual people with AUD encounter, this program hopes to help them better manage their drinking, lessen the harm it causes, and enhance their overall quality of life.
This psychoeducational program will be beneficial because many factors cause alcoholism. Alcoholism, often known as alcohol addiction or alcohol use disorder, is a long-lasting and frequently progressive condition characterized by excessive alcohol consumption despite harmful effects. Although the root reasons for alcoholism are complex and can differ from person to person, they typically combine genetic, environmental, and psychological elements. Genetics is one of the most important causes of alcohol addiction. According to studies, alcoholism has a substantial genetic component, and people with a family history of the condition are more prone to develop it themselves. This implies that particular genes might predispose people to alcoholism (Lathen et al., 2020).
The emergence of alcohol addiction is significantly influenced by environmental factors as well. Like the stigmatization of their family circumstances by society. Growing up in a household or community where alcohol is commonly used and accepted may increase a person's likelihood of beginning to drink at a young age and continuing to drink excessively. In this particular program, discrimination and stress within the bisexual community are critical environmental factors that might contribute to alcohol addiction. Trauma and stress are also significant environmental factors. Alcohol use as a coping mechanism can result from traumatic events such as physical or emotional abuse, neglect, or exposure to violence (Hampton, 2022). Having stated that this program aims to offer assistance to members of the bisexual community who are struggling with alcohol addiction.
Statement of Purpose
Psychoeducational group therapy aims to inform participants about psychological subjects and give them valuable skills and coping mechanisms to deal with obstacles in their daily lives. Participants in this sort of group therapy may have comparable experiences or difficulties, and a mental health professional like a psychologist or social worker often leads it. A psychoeducational group might, for instance, concentrate on managing anxiety, developing assertiveness, or dealing with depression (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2005). Alcohol addiction can affect anyone, but this essay will concentrate on bisexual individuals with the illness. The author of this essay will develop a program that focuses on the psychoeducational group of bisexual people with an alcohol use disorder.
Goals and Objectives
The goals are extremely clear-cut; offering education and assessment seeks to lessen the despair they are experiencing to diminish their excessive alcohol consumption. Also, the goals will address the issue of addiction if it has roots in other areas, such as childhood trauma or a physical or mental health issue.
1 Improve knowledge and awareness of the connection between bisexuality and AUD.
1 This is done to more effectively demonstrate to the patient that there is a reason for the addiction they are now experiencing. When this is done successfully, the patient can adjust and attempt to resolve their problem internally as they are now aware of the causes of their addiction.
2 Second, to deal with the stressors and triggers that can lead to alcohol intake and develop effective coping mechanisms.
2 Physical or mental therapy can be used as a coping mechanism; this offers a terrific diversion so that they do not continue their poor habits from before they entered the psychoeducational group.
3 Third, this study also urges people to be compassionate and accept themselves.
3 Because the members of this psychoeducational group are subject to intense criticism from the general public as well as from the surroundings in which they live, they may harbor negative thoughts and doubts about themselves. They can better live their lives without stress from society if they believe they are normal and there is nothing to worry about, which is one of this program's primary goals (Furr, 2000).
4 Fourth, it is to minimize the harmful effects of AUD on relationships, daily functioning, and mental and physical health.
4 An excessive amount of addiction can have a very negative impact on a person's physical and mental health, which is why the patient live stressful lives because they constantly crave more to numb the pain and discrimination they experience from society, even from their family members.
5 Finally, it encourages a sense of support and belonging among group members.
5 Because psychotherapy is conducted in groups, participants can find others who can relate to and support them as they overcome their alcoholism. Additionally, because psychoeducational therapy encourages thought-sharing, participants may gain some insight into their past experiences from their peers.
This study aims to implement resolutions to address the addiction of bisexual adults who participate in the mentioned activities. There is a significant distinction between the goals and objectives of this research, which is primarily concerned with the staff conducting the psychoeducational group session. Accordingly, understanding these distinctions is necessary for the attainment of the program’s goals. The program's objectives will be discussed in greater detail in the following paragraphs.
The first objective is to determine and investigate the difficulties that bisexual individuals with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) face. These difficulties may be internal or external and could be related to an underlying medical condition or their present familial or societal position, leading to stress and alcohol addiction. The second objective is to learn and apply evidence-based coping methods and alcohol management measures to help participants manage their addiction effectively. The third objective is to develop self-awareness and self-compassion using mindfulness-based techniques and psychoeducation. The fourth objective is to enhance the total well-being of the participants by integrating strategies for both mental and physical health. Finally, this study seeks to form supportive connections with other bisexual individuals with AUD.
While it is essential to keep in mind the program's target for the psychoeducational group participants, these objectives primarily focus on the staff conducting the sessions (Furr, 2000). By achieving these goals, the program aims to resolve the group members' addiction issue, resulting in a reduction in alcohol use to zero or none at all.
Format and Structure
The psychoeducational group's format and structure will provide a secure and encouraging environment for participants to discuss their experiences and feelings and learn and practice new skills. The group will meet for ten weekly 90-minute sessions in a relaxing and confidential environment (Watts et al., 2019). Each session will start with a quick check-in to give participants a chance to share how they are feeling right now and any updates or worries they may have had since the last session. The facilitator will then explain the topic of the session, present background knowledge, and information on the relationship between alcohol use and mental health, and discuss management techniques for overcoming triggers and desires to drink.
The facilitator will include participants in group discussions and activities to explore and put new skills into practice during the session (Furr, 2000). Participants might be invited to role-play situations involving overcoming alcohol cravings or practicing mindfulness techniques to become more mindful of their thoughts and feelings (Malibu, 2017). Participants will get homework tasks pertaining to the session topic after each session, such as journaling about triggers or practicing coping mechanisms. The facilitator will also offer resources and referrals for extra care or assistance as required. The group will adhere to rules and expectations established at the start of the first session to ensure that participants feel comfortable and respected. Throughout the course of the group, these rules will be reaffirmed with an emphasis on the value of confidentiality, polite dialogue, and active listening.
Content and Experiential Activities
Information on how alcohol affects mental health will be covered in the group, along with techniques for controlling desires to use and coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety. It will also discuss the connection between alcohol consumption and the potential effects of stigma, prejudice, and social exclusion on people who identify as bisexual (Gates, 2021). Exercises in mindfulness, hypothetical situations, and cooperative problem-solving are a few examples of experiential ...
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