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Using MAP-IT to Help Build a Healthy Community

Essay Instructions:

Using MAP-IT to Help Build a Healthy Community

MAP-IT means:Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement,and Track

To begin to achieve the goal of improving health, a community must develop a strategy. That strategy, to be successful, must be supported by many individuals who are working together.

In much the same way you might map out a trip to a new place, you can use the MAP-IT technique to 'map out' the path toward the change you want to see in your community.

For the Session Long Project (SLP) of this course, you will follow one of the following families:

  1. A non-English speaking immigrant family.The parents, (a 35-year-old father and 31-year-old mother) have a 1-year-old son. They (the parents) are obese, smokers, alcoholics, and have only a high school education. Due to their weight , the mother has diabetes and high blood pressure, and the father has high blood pressure and kidney disease. The parents are a low-income family with no insurance . You will guide the parents on how to meet the minimum state health requirements for both the child and themselves (i.e., vaccinations, good nutrition, a safe and healthy home environment,etc.).

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MAP-IT Program
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Professor’s Name
March 13, 2023
Understanding the family's needs and creating an effective plan for addressing them is essential to effective long-term change. As a social worker, my vision for the non-English speaking immigrant family in Alameda County, California, is to help them achieve a healthy lifestyle by meeting the minimum state health requirements for themselves and their child. This family can overcome their health issues and live healthy lives with proper support and guidance. In order to achieve this vision, I will use the MAP-IT approach, which stands for Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, and Track.
Utilizing the MAP-IT Program
One of the main functions of a social worker is to address the underlying needs of the family, which could also be the cause of their physical, economic, and social problems, among others. In other words, my main strategy for this program is to provide a holistic approach that would connect the family with various organizations for long-term improvement.
My first action step is to mobilize the non-English speaking immigrant family in Alameda County, California, I will collaborate with local organizations that offer language services to ensure that the family has access to information and resources in their native language. Language problems is said to be one of the main problems of immigrant families, which creates a crucial point considering that communication is required for them to adapt to their new environment. Accordingly, this action step will make it easier for them to understand and follow through on health-related recommendations. For instance, I will work with the Centro Legal de la Raza, which provides legal and social services to immigrants, including language interpretation services. Another organization I will partner with is the Alameda County Immigrant Legal and Education Partnership, which offers support to immigrant families navigating legal and educational systems.
After considering the language barrier, any social worker should also focus on creating a safe and healthy environment for the family. To address the family's need for a safe and healthy home environment, I will also connect them with local resources that can provide information on lead and mold remediation and general home safety.
Although this mobilization plan would provide the foundation for the family’s improvement in terms of their adaptation, I strongly believe that economic conditions must be assessed since it is essential to create a holistic approach.
The next step towards creating a holistic approach is to assess the available assets and resources for the family. I realized that addressing both economic conditions and access to sustainable living is indispensable if I want to ensure a holistic approach for them.
To begin with, my initial action step towards assessment is that I will identify the family's social support networks, such as family members or friends, that can provide emotional and practical support. Educational resources, such as English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, can improve their communication skills and increase their access to health education materials (Lafond, 2019). Financial assistance programs, such as CalFresh (California's food stamp program) and Medi-Cal (California's Medicaid program), can provide the family with financial support to access healthy food and medical care.
Next is the planning phase,...
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