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4 pages/≈1100 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Alcohol Behavior and Health

Essay Instructions:

You will need to compose a 5 page paper describing your thoughts, experiences, education, concerns, hopes, and questions about your own self pertaining to drugs, alcohol, behavior and health in your past, present, and future self. Essentially, you will need to think about anything in your past that has had in impact, either positive or negative, that has affected yourself up until today relating to drugs, alcohol, behavior, and health. For example, perhaps you were brought up in a strict family with very little education and answers relating to drugs and alcohol– how has this impacted your past self? Next, you will focus on your current, present day experiences and relationships. What is going on right now in your life that you may have a question about that may need to be addressed or answered. Are you currently having difficulty surrounding yourself with other like-minded friends who want to remain sober but yet they want to engage in drug and alcohol behavior? Are you in a relationship whereas your partner is abusing drugs and it is impacting your current self? Finally, end the paper with what you want your future self to look like in regards to drugs and alcohol and the comfort level with how to deal with the topic of drugs and alcohol and how it plays out in your future relationships, self, and care of your own body and mind. For example, occasionally I smoke cigarettes and smoke marijuana and I would hope that my future-self accepts my behavior and my future relationships are not impacted by the choices that I make with drugs and alcohol.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Alcohol Behavior and Health Name Institution Some people have never experienced any drug addiction in their life and to them explaining the logic behind it is a challenge. However, it is also not wise to ignore addiction considering what the society is getting at, with more prevalent in America as it is now common to find research or study on why people get into drugs and alcohol. The reason for using drugs and alcohol do range from society to individual, and hence it has always been a topic of discussion that never closes. Technology and scientific advancement have not made it easier as there are new ways to make better alcohol, better illegal drugs that will be more effective in less time and information about the same is traveling faster now than never before. For example, it is now cheaper and easier to promote a new alcoholic beverage through social media. This can be done for free, and it will reach many people influence its stay in the market. Similarly, the modes and methods of taking drugs and alcohol have also changed with technology and science improvement. It was recently observed that young high school students who are still under their parent's roof would use a tampon to get intoxicated with liquor. Although shocking this is what our world has turned out to be and unless something is done the situation soon will only get worse. Reasons to engage in drugs and alcohol-related behavior are similar, universal, but dependent on the individual. Peer pressure, family, illness, social situations to curiosity are some of the general reasons. This paper is going to observe my reflection of alcohol abuse, giving thoughts, recommendation, and conclusion on the same. America has one of the greatest influence in the world, that in all sectors, for example in religion, politics, social positioning, art, and entertainment. The other regions tend to emulate their way of life, as it is one of the most successful economies in the world. While this is a good thing, there is also a risk of importing threats and risk from the same economy. It is estimated that one in eight American adults that is roughly 12.7% of the whole population are into alcohol use. The alcohol use disorder did rise by 49% in the 2000s making the problem a serious problem. According to NSDUH – National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2015, 86.4% people age 18 and older admitted to having drunk alcohol. About 10% of the children in the United States are observed to live with at least a parent with an alcohol problem. Growing up in a strict family, my parents could not allow us to know they do engage in any drugs or alcohol. Despite the occasional wine bottle at the dinner table, which was only meant for the adults, I have not known my parents under any other influence of drugs. If they used to do ...
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