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Journal Club Template for Qualitative Research Article

Essay Instructions:

Assignment: Application:

Methods Used in Qualitative Research

In order to achieve credible and trustworthy results from qualitative studies, the methodology must be designed very carefully. That is, you must consider the process of conducting qualitative research to address your research question. Important considerations include selecting the research question, collecting data, engaging in data analysis and management, and selecting appropriate

interpretive techniques.

For this Assignment, be sure to view this week’s Qualitative Research Design PowerPoint webinar and pay close attention to its content on the basic elements of qualitative research methods (e.g., sample selection, data collection, plans for interpretive analysis). Then, review the two research studies presented in this week’s resources for this assignment.

Note: While not a required resource, you might find the definitions in the Encyclopedia of Nursing Research helpful for this assignment.

This assignment involves identifying and describing different elements of the research method used in the Walsh et al. (2015) article.

Focus on the research design, sample selection, data collection methods, and plan for data analysis as discussed in the Walsh et al. (2015) article.

Identify at least two strengths and two weaknesses of the article’s research method based on trustworthiness. You must provide support for your explanation with citations from additional sources.

Use the Journal Club Template for Qualitative Research located in this week’s resources.

The template includes an area for each element discussed in the study.

Be brief, paraphrase and summarize each of the elements clearly on the form

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Methods In Qualitative Research Student’s Full Name Walden University
Course Number, Section, and Title
(Example: NURS 3150 Section 01, Foundations of Nursing Research)
Month, Day, Year
(Enter the date submitted to the instructor)

Journal Club Template for Qualitative Research Article
Purpose of study: The purpose of the study by Walsh, Holton, Ballyn, Fernandez, Levina, and Glaser (2015), was to better understand the grounded theory (GT).
Research Design The study uses the Narrative approach. This design involves gathering information from individuals who have experience in the topic under discussion, to be able to gain an understanding based on their point of view. In the study, Walsh engages highly established and professional scholars to discuss the different perspectives and elements of the Grounded theory. Sample SelectionPurposeful sampling was also used in the study. This method of sampling involves selecting a specific group of participants based on preselected criteria that is determined by the research question. In the study, Walsh is determined to get more insights on the Grounded Theory, and the panelists have been selected based on their high level of knowledge in the topic of GT. The sample size was also determined based on theoretical saturation, meaning that the panelists each provided useful insights on the topic. For instance, Holton described the genesis of GT, while Fernandez discussed the means by which scholars can take advantage of the GT. Data Collection Methods The method of data collection used is the semi-structured interview. According to Gill, Stewart, Treasure, and Chadwick (2008), semi-structured interviews comprise of various questions that are useful in defining the topic being explored. Nonetheless, the interviews allow the subjects to deviate from the questions to be able to respond in much detail. The panelists in the study contribute to specific questions, which all contribute to the overall understanding of the research topic. Because of the flexibility of the semi-structured interview, the panelists can diverge from the topic and answer the questions more openly. Plans for Data Analysis The data analysis plan focuses on inductive analysis. This involves beginning from the information collected and figuring out the concepts and themes from the data. The study aimed at gaining more information about GT. However, it did not have a specific framework or specific predetermined themes that guided the study, instead, the research relied upon the contrib...
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