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Personal Training Certificate: Role In Energy Production

Essay Instructions:

Describe the following for each major macronutrient category (protein, carbohydrates, fats):

role in energy production

role in performance

recommended types (for the generally healthy public)

types that are not recommended

foods that you would recommend within the macronutrient category and why

How does knowledge of macronutrients help you in your future training endeavors?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Training Certificate
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Role in energy production
Proteins provide instant energy to the body in the form of calories. The human body burns proteins in the absence of fats and carbohydrates, and this energy is then used to perform different functions. Proteins also play an integral role in producing hormones and provide complete support to the immune system.
Role in performance
When it comes to talking about the role of proteins in performance, it can be said that they provide loads of energy for endurance activities, and are known to repair, maintain and grow the body tissues.
Recommended types
The recommended types of proteins are egg protein, brown rice protein, pea protein, mixed plant proteins, and casein protein.
Types that are not recommended
Proteins obtained through pastured eggs, wines and pills are not recommended.
Foods that you would recommend within the macronutrient category and why
Lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, yogurt, beans and legumes, seeds and nuts and tofu are the best foods that contain loads of proteins. They should be made a part of one’s daily diet as they can provide the body with instant and long-term energy.
Role in energy production
Carbohydrates play a good role in the body, as they are readily stored in the muscles and allow the body to use them by converting into...
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