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Advocacy Campaign for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease

Essay Instructions:


The following application, Part 2,

To prepare:

Review Chapter 3 of Milstead, J. A. (2016). Health policy and politics: A nurse's guide (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

In the first assignment, you reflected on whether the policy you would like to promote could best be achieved through the development of new legislation, or a change in an existing law or regulation. Refine as necessary using any feedback from your first paper.

Contemplate how existing laws or regulations may affect how you proceed in advocating for your proposed policy.

Consider how you could influence legislators or other policymakers to enact the policy you propose.

Think about the obstacles of the legislative process that may prevent your proposed policy from being implemented as intended.

To complete:

Part Two will have approximately 3–4 pages of content plus a title page and references. Part Two will address the following:

Explain whether your proposed policy could be enacted through a modification of existing law or regulation or the creation of new legislation/regulation.

Explain how existing laws or regulations could affect your advocacy efforts. Be sure to cite and reference the laws and regulations using primary sources.

Provide an analysis of the methods you could use to influence legislators or other policymakers to support your policy. In particular, explain how you would use the “three legs” of lobbying in your advocacy efforts.

Summarize obstacles that could arise in the legislative process and how to overcome these hurdles.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Developing an Advocacy Program
Developing an Advocacy Program
The increasing health demands among populations calls for the development of advocacy campaigns. These assist in addressing the needs of individuals in order to improve the health status of a community. To become a successful advocate and to establish effective advocacy campaigns, one should be highly experienced. Moreover, one should have a clear-cut clue of the objectives as well as the motives of the campaign program and be in a position to inform other people on the purposes. It is essential to ensure that the vision one launches is convenient in terms of size and scope since the nursing personnel may be willing to help. This necessitates the need to conduct research on the doings of other individuals to acknowledge realistic accomplishments. It also allows one to learn on the goals of others to determine the similarities and differences, which may enable them formulate strategic plans through collaboration. This enhances the possibility to become successful and eventually making necessary changes to help those in need to improve their health outcomes (Sagrillo, 2013). Accordingly, this paper seeks to analyze the development of an advocacy campaign for cardiovascular disease.
The proposed policy is a health advocacy campaign on how to prevent the incidence of cardiovascular disease. The objectives include adopting healthy lifestyles by changing poor dietary intakes as well as unhealthy cooking, advocating for individuals to participate in physical activities on a regular basis to prevent risks to the disease, and health promotion and education to inform parents on the most effective ways of taking care of their family members. This is depending on the food they prepare, and how they influence their feeding habits. The proposed advocacy campaign begins in schools because a high proportion of overweight children grow and develop into obese adults. The diets that children take while in school should comprise of low calories and be wholesome. The components of the food should include carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins (Paquin, 2011).
The most efficient way to transform bad eating habits is when children are still young. This is because the high behavioral risk commences at a tender age and develops further as the individual grows. Therefore, if there is a campaign on the effects of taking foods containing high amounts of calories, the youngsters will mature knowing the impact of such unhealthy feeding habits on their health. The advocacy campaign also offers teaching platforms for parents during general meetings to train them on how to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular disease among their family members. The undertaking of this should be by nurses who completely have an understanding of the condition. It involves educating parents the importance of maintaining healthy dietary intakes, especially on young children. From the training forums, they will be able to ask questions pertaining to the well-being of their children. This equips them with the knowledge of the risks associated with overfeeding their kids and poor feeding, especially the parents who perceive being fat as healthy. Some programs of the training teach parents on how to prepare healthy food while using low levels of cholesterol (Paquin, 2011).
The state should foster the campaign against obesity at a tender age. It should initiate fundamentals such as healthy preferences, schools that maintain healthy living, and participation in physical exercises, besides the availability and access to cost-effective foodstuff. These fundamentals are in agreement with the intentions of the proposed policy on health advocacy campaign. Thus, the initiations would be a support to the objectives as well. Children and teenagers of a population should also be encouraged to take part in physical activities. This ensures that they are fit and healthy as they grow. The adoption of this lifestyle by the younger age bracket assures that there would be a significant decrease in the number of overweight kids. Since the advocacy campaign program, begins from the family to schools, and receives support from the government, the prevention of heart disease becomes effective. The enactment of the proposed policy could be through the modification of the existing laws. This is because the policy needs the application with immediate effect since it is an urgent matter because the disease is a life threatening one (Paquin, 2011). The modification of the policies/laws should be faster to manage the prevalence of the disease.
The existing law...
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