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Teaching Plan For Adolescent With Depression Nursing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Teaching/referrals essay

Teaching / referrals done to address identified concerns or anticipatory guidance: each area needs to be addressed:

Provide patient teaching that reflects family-centered concepts including developmental stage, age, culture, patient preferences, and health literacy considerations.

Based on my assessment high risk areas identifies is depression because his father left/move recently. 

Read my assignments and the rubric before answering the teaching/referrals. Make sure the teaching referral rubric is completely answered that is worth 15 points one page essay. Thanks.

Patient Initials: A.C. Age of child 12 Setting of interview Patient's house

Family structure (include any persons living in the home): Mother, Grandmother and two (2) Brothers.

Obtain a patient history that includes:

Illnesses and Injuries: Seasonal Allergies (Hay Fever) with symptoms of runny nose, sneezing and itchy eyes. No injuries.

Medications: Zyrtec. It can treat hay fever and allergy symptoms, hives, and itching. Naphazoline. It can treat eye irritation. 

Usual Nutritional intake: (Approximate calorie intake and diet intake): 800 to 1000 calories a day.

General physical appearance (hair, skin, teeth, body type): Fair skin, Black hair, Teeth complete and cracked needs braces and skinny body. 




Who lives with you? Mother and brother and grandmother

Do you have your own room? Yes

What are your relationships like at home? Friendly home

To whom are you closest at home? Mom and little brother

Is there anyone new at home? Grandmother

Has anyone left/moved recently? Father

Have you ever had to live away from home? If so, why? No

Have you ever run away? If so why? No

Is there any physical violence in your home? When? No

High risk areas identified: Depression


7th grade


Expected: Formal operation. This stage is characterized by adaptability and flexibility. They can think in abstract terms, use abstract symbols, and draw logical conclusions from a set of observations.

Actual: The patient exhibited normal cognitive developments appropriate for the 12 years old.


Expected: Industry versus inferiority. Children at this age are ready to be worker and producers. Engage in task and activities that they can carry through to completions. 

Actual: Patient exhibited normal psychosocial developments appropriate for12 years old.

List problem areas or concerns from your assessment

Teaching / referrals done to address identified concerns or anticipatory guidance: each area needs to be addressed: (One page essay)

Evaluation: Did you feel the child /family was receptive to your teaching? What indications did they give you to support your evaluation? What could you have done to improve the teaching / learning environment?

Yes, patient is willing to hear a new idea and exhibit the ability to follow directions. To improve learning environment is to remain calm at all times.


One page essay

Rubric: Detailed information provided on teaching of topic with resources listed and family response to teaching. Evidence of therapeutic communication skills is included. Paper is well written. 15 points

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Teaching Plan for Adolescent with depression
Teaching Plan for Adolescent with depression
The teaching plan for the 12 year adolescent will entail will be conducted at home during the community outreach management to help in the decrease in the depression and patient admission due to poor management of the conditions at home. The teaching techniques to follow will include discussion, demonstration and lecture and brochures. The materials to use will include chart and chalk board. Lastly, evaluation will be conducted using patient record review (Williams, 2009).

Anticipated Outcome

Activity accomplished

Learning the terms associated with the condition High blood pressure, nutrition, exercise, stress and other relation social problems such as communication

All the necessary terms regarding depression is taught to the patient and the family members

Patients should understand all the terms

Teaching on relationship and association at home and at school. For example relationship with siblings, parents and friends. Practicing tolerance, joining other family members during the meals and working on an activity collectively

All the factors that will foster positive relationship are taught to the patient

The patients should understand the best ways to engage with other family members to foster positive relationship

Teaching on factors that leads to physical violence such as drug abuse, child ...
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