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Eight Steps for Successful Change: Your Personal Example

Essay Instructions:

Topic 1: Evidence-Based Change Locate an article from a peer-reviewed nursing journal where a practice change was made based on research, preferably a change that could relate to your area of practice or organization. Note: You are seeking to find an evidence-based article that describes some change in practice that was based on research; this is all about applying research, not doing research. Thus, you are not looking for a research article, but you are looking for an article that uses evidence from research to make a change.1. Describe the change made and comment on the strength of the research evidence utilized and the whether the change led to improved patient outcomes.2. Note any barriers to change that were identified and how they were overcome.3. End your discussion with a reflection on how this article is useful to you as you consider your role as an advanced practice nurse leading others to use the best evidence to strengthen nursing practice and improve nursing-sensitive patient outcomes.Require: 1 page, APA format 6th edition. 3 references.

Topic 2: Eight Steps for Successful Change: Your Personal ExampleRequire: 1 page APA format 6th edition. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Evidence-based Change
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Evidence-Based Change
Evidence-based practice can be put down as an approach towards solving issues which incorporates the use of current evidence which is reliable towards coming up with the best decisions which are concerning patient care. Evidence-based practice also includes well organized methodological search for the most appropriate evidence as well as fault finding evaluation of this evidence in order to arrive to the solution of clinical question (Crystal, 2007). Therefore evidence-based practice looks to address the issues regarding the clinicians’ and doctors’ skills also not forgetting the values of the patient and desire. Through the use of evidence based practice various health institutions have been able to undergo rigorous changes in their way of doing their daily activities.
In order to come up to a decision to put into practice evidence based change, initially a research is conducted for one to get the evidence. For instance, a research was undertaken by the American college of emergency physicians on how to handle the challenge of hospital crowding, where this had become a great menace nationwide (Brenda, 2011). The change which was availed involved establishing a system understanding whereby the patients undergo a process known as Triage also it can be referred to as process of sorting the patients according to those who require immediate medical attention and those who do not. This has greatly contributed towards the reduction of overcrowding in hospital emergency response units, such that outpatient testing is done quickly and the patients are released while those requiring attention are sent to the emergency department.
One of the barriers to the change was the legal issue. And to overcome this barrier the practitioner is required to do many tests in order to be able to identify the correct diagnosis. Evidence-based practice is very important becau...
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