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4 pages/≈1100 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Essay Instructions:
It is important to identify both internal and external stakeholders for your sustainability initiative. It is through identification of and communication with these stakeholders that you will understand what partnerships might benefit the initiative. These can include community leaders, organizations, and even patients, their families, and friends. The top leadership of your selected organization has requested that you prepare a stakeholder engagement analysis and strategy for your sustainability initiative. Part I: Stakeholder identification analysis: Prepare a 350- to 400-word identification and analysis of the key internal and external stakeholders essential to your initiative’s success. Include the following: Identify key internal and external stakeholders who are essential to the success of your initiative. Provide evidence for your choices. Identify partnerships that can be formed between organizations to foster collaboration or healthy competition. Provide evidence for your choices. Identify community leaders who can use power and influence to further the initiative on your behalf. Provide evidence for your choices. Part II: Patient engagement strategy Develop a 350- to 400-word strategy for how you will engage patients and their friends or family to participate in your initiative (directly or indirectly). Part III: Promotional media strategy Complete the Script and Storyboard Template for this part of the assignment. Develop a 350- to 400-word promotional media strategy and promotional elements for your sustainability initiative that will be used to reach your identified stakeholders. Include the following: A 90- to 175-word script for a 30- to 60-second online advertisement that promotes your sustainability initiative, advocates for sustainable health care practices, and invites the community to action. A storyboard that outlines the advertisement. Four social media posts in the platform of your choosing that promotes your initiative and invites the community to get involved. Note: You do not have to actually post these online but indicate on which platform you would post them.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Internal And External Stakeholders Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor Date Internal And External Stakeholders Stakeholder engagement allows individuals to identify the issues that matter the most to their stakeholders so that they can emphasize such issues as top priorities. This analysis examines internal and external stakeholders in healthcare organizations to ensure the integration of our eco-freindly practices of going green (which involves incorporating convenient recycling bins and energy-efficient solar panels to staff actively planting trees) as a sustainability initiatives. Part I: Stakeholder Identification Analysis Key Internal Stakeholders Internal stakeholders in healthcare encompass workers, board managements, and administrators. Research shows that “stakeholders are directly involved in the daily functioning of the organization” (Hiswåls et al., 2020). In this case we will need internal stakeholders such as hospital administrators, medical staff, and facilities supervision to make our initiative (of introducing enegry-efficient solar pannels, plantig tress, and employing convenient recycing bins) work.. Since healthcare administrators are decision-makers in healthcare facilities, their role and support for the sustainability plan is crucial. Healthcare administrators provide leadership and proficiency in a variety of healthcare settings. Medical staff, such as clinicians, doctors, and nurses are on the front lines of patient care, making their participation crucial for the achievement of any sustainability plan. Such experts can openly communicate with patients, direct interventions, and manage daily resources within the facility. Healthcare professions understands the usage of reasonable measures, such as improving energy usage, reducing the waste within the facility, and supporting eco-friendly alternatives measures. Such practices can completely distress the ecological footprint of healthcare practices (Hiswåls et al., 2020). Furthermore, the management teams in the facility are vital in making sure that the internal stakeholders, such as medical staff and administrators participate in eco-friendly initiativesof ensuring the facility introduce measures, such as energy-efficient solar panels and participate in planting trees . Stressing on the management of facility set-up, conservation, and overseeing normal events, managers hold the practical statistics vital to categorize opportunities for sustainability growth. Key External Stakeholders External stakeholders in the healthcare organization are vital in ensuring the success of sustainability initiative. In this case, we will need external stakehplders, such as patients and families, government health agencies, and environmental agenciesto make our intiative work. For example, parents and families are not just recipients of healthcare services but also participates in providing feedback that can shape the the effort to realize green environment (Mostepaniu et al., 2023). Their direct involvements and understanding of green health offer valued viewpoints into areas for expansion and invention. Cooperation with government health divisions is significant for ensuring submission with environmental measures and ideals. Supervisory bodies provide direction on sustainability provisions and might offer support through funding prospects, incentives, or grants for engaging in eco-friendly initiatives, such as purchasing enegy-efficeitn solar panels and and trees to plant aorund to ensure the acheievemnt of green health (Mostepaniu et al., 2023). By aligning with health departments, the organization can direct complex regulatory circumstances more effectively whereas accessing resources to support its sustainability plan. Ensuring effective cooperations with environmental agencies, such as advocacy groups and NGOs, conveys more expertise, resources, and reliability to the sustainability program (Mostepaniu et al., 2023). Such organizations offer valued information on best practices to preserve the environment, ground-breaking technologies, and comm...
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