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568-d-3 Sleep Apnea Medicine Assignment Paper

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Sleep Apnea

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Sleep Apnea
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Sleep apnea is a common medical condition that is predominantly recognized by specialists of neurology, psychiatry and pulmonary disease (Assefa et al. 2017). Most recently, the disease has been linked with cardiovascular disorder, and the evidence of the prevalence of sleep apnea supports the need for cardiologists to understand the key issues associated with this medical condition. The prevalence of this illness varies according to the threshold applied for defining abnormality (such as AHI > 5, >10, >15).
The recurrent obstruction of pharyngeal airway can characterize sleep apnea during the night, which leads to sleep fragmentation and hypoxia (Garg et al. 2017). The pathogenesis of this disease is because of the interaction between sleep-related changes in UA function and unfavorable anatomic upper airway (UA) susceptibility.
In order to diagnose the illness, the doctor may make a basic physical examination based on the signs and symptoms shown by the patient. For example, the doctor may examine the back of the throat, nose, and mouth for abnormalities or extra tissues. They may also measure the neck and waist circumference, followed by checking the patient’s blood pressure.
There is a strong need to plan care for people with sleep apnea...
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