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Locating relevant information in CINAHL database

Essay Instructions:

question 1: Enter key words for your topic "Prevention Pressure Ulcer" into the CINAHL database. Explore the results yielded by your search. Examine the various options and tools available on the results page to further refine your search. Discuss how you used this information to locate the most relevant information for your assignment. In 275 words. Question 2: Describe two techniques that you can apply to narrow or broaden a search. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. Which approach will improve the effectiveness of your searches? In 275 words

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Key Words and Search Results CINAHL Database: “Prevention Pressure Ulcer”
Locating relevant information in CINAHL database
CINAHL provides a wide array of journals to choose from in nursing and allied health fields, with some of the journals including searchable cited references. One of the options it to search through CIHAHL headings and the method is context sensitive. The database allows one to narrow down on whether to first look into the general headings or the specific headings through a tree structure format. Additionally, one has the option of choosing whether to display appears where it is a Major Concept where the heading appears as a major topic. Other than this, the option allows one to look for related search terms. One of the articles encountered was by Bangova (2013), touching on prevention of pressure ulcers in nursing home residents. The article was a review of past literature on the issue, but it highlighted on steps to be taken on prevention of heel pressure ulcers.
The advanced search menu contains three search boxes which have diverse fields available for one to choose. Patient repositioning is the most techniques to prevent the risk of pressure ulcer. Besides looking at ways to prevent pressure ulcers, one needs to also focus on ulcer development, as this gives a general overview of the condition. Essentially, pressure ulcer prevention should focus on various approaches related to nutrition, repositioning and skin care as being critical to achieving of better standards in prevention. According to Peterson et al (2013), highlight on the need to relieve at risk tissue besides improving on repositioning practice as a way to prevent pressure ulcers. Sprigle & Sonenblum (2012), focus on the need to support surfaces in way that reduces the magnitude of loading or redistributes forces. The authors then review studies which focus on the impact of constant low pressures on support surfaces.
Techniques to broaden and narrow search term
Since the search terms are more specific it is preferab...
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