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Ways People Learn, Unconscious Bias, and Theories on Students' Performance

Essay Instructions:

1. After reading Chapter 2, what do the authors say about the different ways people learn. Are there any ideas you would like to critique or disagree with? Do any of these ideas about different ways of learning standout as important to your future career as an educator? Explain.

2. After reading Chapter 3, explain unconscious bias and how it is different from stereotyping? What are generalizations? What is critical about understanding generalizations, stereotyping, and unconscious bias as a future educator? Consider the recent legislation that has passed in Georgia that is designed to limit conversations about unconscious bias. Discuss these issues as a future educator.

3. Using chapter 3, define the deficit theory, expectation theory, and the cultural difference theory. What are each of these theories? What do these theories attempt to justify or explain? Do you find anything problematic about these theories? Discuss how these theories form beliefs about student success and how you, as a future educator, will define student success in a diverse classroom.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion Board 1
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Question 1
The authors identify four different ways through which people learn. The first is visual learning. These kinds of learners mainly grasp concepts through seeing. It could be reading, watching, making visual observations, or visualizing. The second is auditory learning. These learners learn optimally through the sense of hearing. The other two modes of learning are kinesthetic and verbal. Kinesthetic learners grasp concepts the most through action/ doing, while verbal learners learn best through discussing and explaining (Sadker, 2021). I agree with these findings. Learners are unique, and their modes of optimal learning significantly differ. Therefore, there are no ideas that I would like to critique or disagree with.
The idea that different learners learn best through varied modes stands out as an essential concept in my future career as an educator. I will be prepared to ensure that my students' needs are met by employing different instruction modes. I will ensure that I use all four basic learning methods so that each learner participates in the learning process. In addition, I will access my learners to identify the modern through which each learns best. After carrying out this assessment, I will be able to provide individualized instruction.
Question 2
Unconscious bias refers to automatic prejudices that shape a person’s perception of an individual, group, or community. The distinguishing feature of unconscious bias is that it occurs at a subconscious level. On the other hand, stereotyping refers to making generalizations concerning a group of people. These generalizations are mostly due to limi...
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