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Plans of the New Head Coach

Essay Instructions:



For this assignment, you have just been hired as the new Head Coach (of your particular sport) 
First...Your Bad News

You have inherited a team that has experienced very little success over the last decade. Whether it be games, matches, or tournaments (obviously this depends on your sport), your new team has consistently performed at a level that could, at best, be described as poor. Your team has not won a Conference Tournament Game in seven years and has not had a winning record in five years.

Your Arrival

You are an outsider. You did not graduate from Amos University. You just moved to the area two weeks after being named the new Head Coach. After spending several days on campus, speaking with students, staff, and faculty; watching game film; and assessing the program; you have come to realize that you might have gotten yourself into more than you bargained for. No one on campus has anything positive to say about your team. Your hiring was met with little fanfare or even casual acknowledgement. It seems that everyone has lost hope for this program and that includes its current players.

Your Assessment

The team leadership could best be described as apathetic. There is a rising group of seniors (currently juniors, theywill be seniors for the coming season) who have never known success in the confines of this program and seem to have fallen in line with the apathy that plagued those seniors that came before them. Team cohesion is almost non- existent, to go along with the apparent lack of leadership. While some of the current players seem to display a small glimmer of hope that a new coach can bring success, they have seen too much failure to truly believe that.

Game Plan Time

Now it is time for you to form your game plan. How are you going to approach this program? How are you going to right this ship? SMGT 401 Obviously, you will seek to improve recruiting and bring in talent, but you cannot convince high-level recruits to commit to your program with it being in the state that it currently is in. You must make changes and begin to improve this program from the inside.


The Actual Project

Within the confines of this scenario, you will spell out your plans to turn this program around. There are a myriad of topics that you can discuss, and you are encouraged to elaborate past the talking points prescribed, but you must address the following areas and provide specifics as to how you plan to improve these areas:

 Will you keep the current Assistant Coaches and Support Staff or start fresh and hire new ones? (Theanswer to this question is not as easy as it might seem as both options carry consequences).

 What will be the short and long-term Goals that you will set for your program and in what timeframes?

 What type of Team Culture are you going to seek to build and how will you do

 that?

 How are you going to get current players to ‘Buy In’ to your program?

 How are you going to build Team Cohesion?

 How are you going to develop Leadership on the team?

 How will you Motivate your players during these seasons of rebuilding?

 How will you build your players’ Confidence in both themselves and you as a

 leader?

You may address other areas of team development if you would like to, but you must address the questions listed above at minimum. Your responses to these questions should not be one or two lines but rather an in-depth answer and rationale combination with specific, detailed examples. ‘Depth’ is the key word here. You need to demonstrate that you have taken time to thoroughly analyze this situation and make decisions that you believe best represent your values as a coach and the goals you seek to achieve.

The Finer Details

This assignment is to be submitted through Canvas as an attached Word document. This assignment should be 6 – 8 pages in length. This assignment must be in current APA format and include a Title Page, Reference Page, and Section Headings; no Abstract Page is required. Because of the nature of this project, writing in both first and third person is perfectly acceptable. You are encouraged to use existing research and publications to justify the decisions that you make. At least 2 sources must be utilized.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Subject and Section
Professor’s name
The New Head Coach
In sports, few endeavors rival the excitement and pressure of coaching a rebuilding team. As the newly appointed coach at Atmos University, I stand on the abyss of an incredible challenge; however, I am eager to change the course of the Atmos University team's future. My appointment may appear risky, but my unique perspective will give the program new vitality. The reconstruction effort goes beyond the boundaries of the court. It must foster an atmosphere of oneness where diverse skills combine to form a powerful force more significant than the sum of its parts. As a new coach, I can mold the team’s character and values, defining them as individuals and a group. I take on this job sincerely because I am aware that the athletes’ lives will be affected by my decisions even after they have graduated.
It is a complicated decision for a new head coach to decide whether to keep the current assistant coaches and support staff or start over by employing new ones. In decision-making, it is essential to thoroughly consider the conditions and possible outcomes because each option has implications. However, maintaining the current assistant coaches and support personnel can give the team stability and continuity. These people know the university’s culture, player strengths and weaknesses, and team dynamics. Their knowledge of the program and prior expertise may make the changeover easier and speed up the rebuilding process. Hence, as the new head coach, I will work closely with the current coaching staff, encouraging open lines of communication and outlining my goals for the team’s future. We shall cooperate to overcome the difficulties of rebuilding and lay a solid foundation for success by having a shared vision and a dedication to continuous progress. 
Setting short-term and long-term goals is crucial to the program’s success and development. These objectives will act as a road map for the team’s growth and indicators of our progress (Van Den Berg & Surujlal, 2020).
Short-Term Goals
* Foster a supportive and cooperative team atmosphere, emphasizing good communication on and off the court to increase team cohesion and communication. The primary purpose is to develop rapport and trust between staff and players.
* Enhance the development of each player’s unique skills by implementing a thorough program of player improvement that focuses on each player’s weak points.
* Improve the team’s performance in games and competitions by emphasizing the development of a winning mindset and successfully implementing game plans. It entails researching opponents, creating winning tactics, and strongly emphasizing game adaptability and flexibility.
Long-Term Goals
* Build a program that competes at a high level within the conference or division to achieve consistent competitiveness. It calls for consistent participation in playoff or championship events, which shows development and improvement over time.
* Establish a reputation for drawing in excellent student-athletes dedicated to academic brilliance and athletic success to build a solid recruitment pipeline. Expanding recruitment efforts, cultivating connections with high schools and club programs, and highlighting the program’s ideals and accomplishments are all part of this.
* Create a program that strongly emphasizes character development, academic success, and community involvement to foster an environment of excellence. Produce student-athletes who are well-rounded, perform on and off the field, and go on to become role models for other students and the university.
* Advocate for and work to upgrade the team’s training facilities, resources, and tools. It will involve improving the facilities for practicing, having access to sports science technologies, and bolstering the support team to give the players all-encompassing care.
It is essential to remember that the goals may change based on the program’s present status and the demands of the university. These objectives should be evaluated and modified regularly to stay relevant and doable as the program develops. We give the team a clear path for development and ignite a shared passion for success at Atmos University by establishing goals.
Team Culture
My primary responsibility as the head coach will be creating a supportive and cohesive team environment. The team needs a strong culture for the players to be motivated, united, and have a feeling of purpose. As the cornerstone of our team culture, I will first emphasize the need for open and honest communication. Open communication between players and staff members builds trust and creates a welcoming workplace where everyone feels appreciated and heard (Davis et al., 2019). Regular team meetings, one-on-one interactions, and clear communication routes are essential to develop confidence among team members.
I will also work to foster an environment where players take responsibility for their actions and are aware of their effects on the team. It entails laying out specific guidelines, creating team norms, and holding everyone, including myself, responsible for upholding those standards. Players will flourish personally and as a team if they accept accountability for their work and decisions. In addition, I will underline how crucial it is for the team to harmonize harmoniously. Developing a culture that recognizes each person’s contributions, promotes inclusivity, and celebrates diversity will be a top emphasis. Through team-building exercises, shared experiences, and a genuine interest in each person’s success, it will be encouraged for players, coaches, and support staff to develop strong relationships. Lastly, I will foster a climate where players feel encouraged and in control. An upbeat and motivating environment will be created by praising and celebrating team and individual a...
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