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Upward Bound Program

Essay Instructions:


This week you will:

1) Research Upward Bound OR Head Start by visiting the program's website;

2) Write an essay that answers the following question: Do you think these programs have made a difference in regards to the educational achievement or attainment gap?

Be sure to:

Name the program that you researched

Describe the program's rationale, mission statement, and curriculum

Make connections to this week's readings

ED 50 Writing Assignment Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical thinking and analysis

The approach to the assigned topic is insightful, and/or creative, persuasive, unique, and worth developing; the level of thinking/analysis is strong; the ideas are clearly communicated with focus and specificity

2.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of evidence/research

Uses evidence/sources appropriately, with a clear understanding of the audience's expectations.

2.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopment and structure

The organization is apparent, coherent, and contributes to the overall goals; the insightful, specific, focused development of the main purpose/thesis is effectively organized in paragraphs or sections; sophisticated transitional devices help to develop one idea from the previous one or identify their logical relations.

2.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcomelanguage & style conventions

The writing is styled and eloquent, with an easy flow, rhythm, and cadence; sentences have clear purpose and varied structure; sentences and paragraphing show skill with a wide range of rhetorical, disciplinary, or generic conventions; the writer chooses words for their precise meanings and uses an appropriate level of specificity, illustrating his/her facility with the discipline's discourse; mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar, usage, and paragraphing) enhance overall readability and purpose; writing free of error, evidence of careful editing and proofreading

2.5 pts

Total Points: 10


When answering the question, be sure to support your answer by making connections to the assigned readings.


Two pages in length


Times New Roman or Courier, 12-point font

Microsoft, Google Docs, or PDF format only

Blank documents or documents in an unreadable format will not be graded

MLA or APA format required, including in-text citations and references


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Upward Bound Program
Student's Name
Professor's Name
Upward Bound Program
It is the role of the federal government to ensure its citizens get basic needs regardless of their economic situation. This includes funding programs ensuring everyone gets these basic needs such as education, food and shelter. An example of such a program is the Upward Bound program, which aims to support participants as they prepare for college education. The program targets the less fortunate and has largely achieved its objective. 
The Upward Bound program provides critical support to its participants as they prepare to enrol for college education. The program was established in 1965 and is federally funded. It is available to students after their 8th grade, especially those from low-income families. The Upward Bound program aids student performance in pre-college activities and after joining college. It serves mainly two categories of high school students; those from low-income families and those whose parents do not have a bachelor's degree (Upward Bound Program, 2021). At least two-thirds of the applicants must hail from low-income families and be first-generation college students, and the remaining third are expected to meet one of the two requirements. The primary mission is to improve the high school education completion rate and graduation rate from postsecondary education institutions. 
Upward Bound program's projects give academic instructions in laboratory science, mathematics, literature, foreign languages and composition. These are tutoring, cultural enrichment, counselling, study programs, mentoring and educational services to improve students' financial and economic knowledge. The program benefits students who may not be proficient in English, those in foster care, the homeless, those with a disability, and those from underrepresented groups (Upward Bound Program, 2021). Most of the Upward Bound projects combine two approaches for their effectiveness. The first approach involves a summer program where high school students participate in college prep lessons and earn work experiences running between four and six weeks at college campuses. The second approach involves weekly follow-up sessions and tu...
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