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Group Summary: Upward Bounds' Approach and Services

Essay Instructions:

Read your group members' weekly writing assignment. Write a 1 page global summary and analysis of your group members’ essays. Submit the document via Canvas. Be sure to write all group member names on the document.

Document guidelines

Document should thoroughly summarize the viewpoints or ideas presented by all member essays and provide an analysis of all member responses. DON'T SUMMARIZE OR ANALYZE EACH ESSAY INDIVIDUALLY. Your summary and analysis should be from a global perspective.

In other words, find patterns or themes among the varied responses given by all group members. The analysis can be from any perspective. For example, it can identify patterns of thought that is pervasive in the group, make connections to current educational issues, or extend the ideas presented in the course readings or ideas espoused in current educational literature, etc.

All group member names (not those students who are absent) must appear at the top of the document

Double-spaced, 12-point font

Word, PDF, or Google Docs format only

Blank or unreadable documents will not be gradedGroup Summary Writing Assignment (1)

Group Summary Writing Assignment (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary of Group Essays

Summary is thoroughly written and conveys accurate information about group member essays. Summary provides a global perspective that highlights major themes or ideas discussed by group members.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis and Connections to Course Content

Analysis critically evaluates themes or ideas discussed in group member essays. Analysis examines themes and ideas discussed in connection to related course content.

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Quality

Essay is relatively free from grammatical, syntactical, and punctuation errors, and typos. Essay is coherently written and uses appropriate academic format and structure.

1 pts

Total Points: 10

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Group Summary
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Professor's Name
Group Summary Assignment
It is apparent that Upward Bound is more than simply an extracurricular project; it offers numerous high school students the chance to enroll in college. The primary target populations for this program are students from low-income households, those who reside in rural areas, and those whose parents did not attend college. The programs give students the opportunity to find colleges that are the most compatible with the academic objective they want to achieve and even give them a chance to visit the college as a form of motivation (Rall, 2021). Additionally, the approach used by Upward Bound has proved effective because of the increase in enrollment and credit earned at four-year institutions, especially by students that could be classified as individuals with low education expectations.
Additionally, Upward Bound's services, like academic counseling, career development, and one-on-one tutoring, have demonstrated their value, particularly in light of the rise in the proporti...
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