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Future of the Use of Technology in Education

Essay Instructions:

Students will produce a paper (≥ 1,000 words) reflecting on their course experience in relation to the readings. Students should refer back to the notes on each of the readings, discussion board postings that were especially meaningful, and the points of application that resulted from the readings and discussions. That material should then be organized into sections to address each of the three important questions (see below). The purpose of the course is to connect empirical work on learning to educational practice that includes the use of technology. It is not possible to incorporate all of what was learned in the course into the project; therefore, this paper serves as a way to document other meaningful parts of the course for future use in the student’s specific context.

Reflection paper (30%): By the end of the semester, each student will produce a paper (≥ 1,000 words) reflecting on the following:

1What have you learned from the course?

2What is the future of the use of technology in education?

3How will you apply what you learned?

I have also uploaded my textbook and the four papers I wrote this semester. You can combine the paper and the text to write the final paper. Be sure to answer each of the three questions as subheadings. Thank you~

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection Paper
Due Date
Reflection Paper
What I Have Learned
First of all, the course was invaluable to me, and hence there are some concepts and skills that border on cognition that I have mastered. Key among them is the provision of instructions to learners through various techniques. Such practices greatly assist students in acquiring a deeper understanding of the concepts taught in class. When offering instructions, I learnt that the students should be allowed to freely express their opinions since it enables the instructor to establish whether the concepts have been adequately understood. Besides that, I realized that one of the appropriate methods of dispensing knowledge is to integrate learners into the lesson and make them feel that they are part and parcel of the learning process. On that account, I also realized that another suitable pedagogical technique is to allow learners to engage in self-explanation since it assists them in comprehending concepts learnt. As the learners self-reflect, they integrate and compare new concepts with the previously learnt ones. Put differently, the learners can master concepts and interpret them from a broader perspective. In other words, learners who are allowed to participate in the learning process understand concepts much better than their counterparts who solely rely on teachers to avail the relevant content. Against such a backdrop, I realized that applying suitable instructional techniques stimulates the learner’s curiosity and enables them to develop an interest in the subject being taught. However, appropriate-teaching skills enhance the learner’s social and emotional skills.  
Other than that, I learnt three exciting techniques that I found fascinating since they assisted in devising different perspectives concerning teaching and learning. First, I realized that teachers need to give students individual attention since it helps them to self-regulate and monitor their knowledge. I, too, noticed that learners could only attain the desired instructional objectives if they control and regulate their cognitions, motivations, and social behaviors, as pointed out by Veenman (2017). In this technique, I noted with concern that learners need to set goals, use different methods to exercise control, and monitor their academic progress through reflection. In some aspects, it is a teaching approach that enables learners to transform their thoughts into functional academic skills through proper organization. 
Besides that, I acquired some knowledge of discussion-based instruction, which essentially entails engaging in meaningful conversations and exchanging ideas between students and instructors. A meaningful academic discussion enhances critical thinking and promotes learning, problem-solving, comprehension, and appreciation of literary discourse (Murphy et al., 2017). Put differently, discussions enhance a deeper understanding of concepts taught in class and the learners’ reading ability. It enables the learners to improve their writing and reading skills, consequently improving their academic performance. Such pedagogical skills promote the active participation of learners. Other than that, I established that tutoring is a dimension of instruction in which the tutor and the tutee are engaged in a discussion. I also noted that one does not have to be a professional teacher to discharge the role of a teacher. To assist learners, tutors must employ some techniques which are interactive, purposeful, and systematic (Graesser et al., 2017).On that account, and to a more significant extent, a computer qualifies as a tutor. Based on assertions, I note with concern that cognition, which plays a crucial role in improving reading and comprehension, can be acquired through human and computer tutors. 
Other than that, I, too, established that much research had been conducted to determine the impact of different instructional strategies on the learning process. Literature has it that the instructional approaches are associated with some limitations, and hence the techniques that work well for some students may not be appropriate for others. Additionally, apart from the instructional methods employed whi...
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