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Collaboration and Communication Action Plan for Students with Behavioral Disorder

Essay Instructions:

As a special education teacher, you will be expected to provide support and guidance to administration, teachers, and staff regarding issues that may arise concerning how to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities outlined in IEPs. Serving as a collaborative resource to colleagues promotes the well-being of individuals with disabilities, the main goal of a special education teacher. Additionally, it is vital to provide support and guidance for students in the inclusion setting who will be working and collaborating with non-exceptional peers and general education teachers.

Read the case study to inform the assignment that follows.

John is currently a ninth-grade student who has been identified as having an emotional/behavioral disorder, specifically in the area of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). During his annual IEP meeting, John’s IEP team reviewed recent test scores and determined he qualified for the gifted program in the area of English language arts (ELA). John will continue to participate in the inclusion classroom for the remainder of his courses, and be placed in the gifted classroom for ELA in the second semester of the school year.

As John continues to be successful in all of his inclusion classes, he is having difficulty in his new ELA class. The gifted teacher, Ms. Griedl, was not able to be present during the IEP meeting, and John is the first student with an IEP she has had in her class. John has stated that being the only Hispanic student in Ms. Griedl’s gifted class has made him feel uncomfortable at times. He says Ms. Griedl does not include him in the classroom conversations and when she speaks to him, it is abruptly. John says she does not treat the other students in the same manner.

After one month of John being in the gifted class, Ms. Griedl has requested that a paraprofessional be present to support John. The IEP team determined that this was not necessary and that John should be able to be successful in the gifted classroom without a paraprofessional. The principal, Mr. Fleming, did a walk through observation of Ms. Griedl’s gifted classroom and he did notice that John was isolated in a corner, and the teacher and other students in the class did not interact with him. In addition, Mr. Fleming received a phone call from John's parents who reported that Ms. Griedl had told John she felt he did not belong in the gifted class. John no longer wants to be in the class because he does not feel welcome.

Use the “Collaboration and Communication Action Plan Template” to complete this assignment.

Part 1: Action Plan

Mr. Fleming has come to you, the special education teacher, for assistance with the situation. To assist the principal, create a 750-1,000 word action plan. The action plan should include one long-term goal and a minimum of four short-term goals to help reach the long-term goal.

For each short-term goal, identify the following information related to implementation:

At least 1-2 implementation activities/strategies

Resources needed

Timeline: To include measuring progress and implementing strategies

Persons Responsible: To include measuring progress and implementing strategies

Evidence of Success: How is this measured, or the desired outcomes to demonstrate success

Keep in mind the following when you outline your goals and implementation steps:

John’s abilities and interests, the learning environments, and cultural and linguistic factors.

How you will incorporate collaboration to help the action plan be successful.

Your role as a coach and resource for John and Ms. Griedl.

Part 2: Rationale

Support your action plan with a 500-750 word rationale that incorporates researched best practices on collaboration and communication when working with colleagues, administration, and families.

Your rationale should address the following considerations:

Theories or elements of effective collaboration you utilized in your action plan.

How diversity is a part of families, cultures, and schools, and how complex human issues can interact with the delivery of special education services.

The importance of supporting individuals with disabilities in all settings to help them reach their optimal potential and allow them to flourish academically and behaviorally.

Support your findings with 2-3 scholarly resources.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Collaboration and Communication Action Plan
Student’s Name
Department, University
Course Code: Course Name
Professor’s Name
Due Date
Part 1: Action Plan
Background on Student Concern:
The ninth-grader, John, suffers from emotional/behavioral disorder, with the obsessive-compulsive disorder being the main symptom. The IEP team suggested that John be enrolled in a gifted ELA program. For the remaining courses, John is obliged to attend the inclusion class. In this class, he does well. His performance in the talented class is, however, declining. John’s teacher (Mrs. Griedl) is absent from the IEP meeting. The student feels uncomfortable in Mrs. Griedl’s class because there is only one other Hispanic student, John. In addition, Mrs. Griedl ignores John in class. She rarely talks to him; when she does, she maltreats him. John’s treatment differs from that of his colleagues, which is problematic. After working with the pupil for a month, the teacher suggested that John be paired with a paraprofessional. However, the IEP team thinks this is unnecessary because the pupil can still succeed without such assistance. The principal school notices during a walk-through observation that John is the only one in the class being ignored by the teacher. John’s parents complain to the principal over Mrs. Griedl’s propensity to tell John that she does not think he belongs in the gifted class.
Long-term Goal:
To enhance John’s cooperation and communication with Mrs. Griedl and parent, staff, and paraeducator training and education on collaborative supports for John’s IEP. Work with the administration to develop refresher training sessions for Mrs. Griedl to foster collaboration between the IEP team, Mrs. Griedl, and John. By October 2023, this ought to be accomplished.
Short-term Goal 1: Work with Mrs. Griedl to develop conflict resolution techniques and positive reinforcement programs that may be shared with John.
* Implementation Review the special education ethical principles and goal-setting procedures with Mrs. Griedl as part of your activities and strategies for working with John.
* Resources: Share with Mrs. Griedl material on controlling emotional and behavioral disorders and behavior management techniques.
* Timeline: Two weeks
* Persons Responsible: Ms. Griedl and the special education case manager
* Evidence of Success: IEP implementation use in four of five observation trials, according to observations made by Ms. Griedl and the special education case manager.
Short-term Goal 2: Ms. Griedl will complete a month’s worth of ABC and task completion data by the end of December 2022.
* Implementation Activities/Strategies: The special education instructor will instruct Ms. Griedl on properly collecting data.
* Resources: The case Carrier will offer data sheets
* Timeline: Three weeks
* Persons Responsible: Ms. Griedl is in charge.
* Evidence of Success: Ms. Griedl can offer information for 80% of the two weeks.
Short-term Goal 3: Ms. Griedl will receive collaborative coaching that will incorporate research-based instructional practices and suggestions that understand diversity is a component of families, cultures, and schools by the end of March.
* Implementation Activities/Strategies: Ms. Griedl will have up to two 30-minute meetings per week with the special education case manager.
* Resources: Meeting location, IEP, data, and examples of student work.
* Timeline: One Month
* Persons Responsible: Ms. Griedl and John’s case manager
* Evidence of Success: Three out of four observation trials show the student to be included with the entire class in location and conversations.
Short-term Goal 4: r Ms. Griedl should link John with a peer by the end of April.
* Implementation Activities/Strategies: Ms. Griedl is tasked with pairing John with a compatible peer to encourage inclusiveness and set an example of good behavior.
* Resources: Classroom
Timeline: Two weeks
Persons Responsible: Ms. Griedl
Evidence of Success: In three of the four observation trials, it should be seen that the student engaged in conversation and interaction with peers.
Part 2: Rationale
Theory Used in the Action Plan
I applied the Collaboration Integration Theory (CIT), which promotes communication between Ms. Griedl and the special education case manager fo...
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