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Study’s Internal, External, and Social Validity

Essay Instructions:

This is the final submission for the course project. For this assignment, you will complete the Validity and Conclusion sections of your study. You are required to include all of the sections of your hypothetical behavior analytic study in your submission. Be sure to integrate any feedback you received to revise and improve your study.


Complete the final sections of the hypothetical behavior analytic study.


Describe and give examples of how your study plans for and demonstrates internal, external, and social validity. Provide at least two examples for each type of validity.


Discuss the overall conclusions and findings of the study. Describe at least two strengths and two limitations. Discuss directions and areas for future research.

-APA formatting

-Length: 8–10 double-spaced pages, NOT including the title page or reference page.

-References: A minimum of four scholarly or professional resources.

-Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Subject and Section
Professor’s name
This section discusses the study’s internal, external, and social validity.
Internal Validity
Internal validity is the case wherein changes in the dependent variable are caused by manipulating the independent variable and not by other factors (Kirby et al., 2021). The study established a direct relationship between its dependent and independent variables. Students’ awareness of a specific social issue is linked to their daily time on social media. In general, the more time students spend viewing information on the internet, the more socially aware they become of what is happening around them. Furthermore, the study is internally valid because it contains no biases and provides accuracy. For example, the study employs an application to track students' daily social media usage. In this manner, the researchers do not have to worry about manually measuring the time but instead obtain accurate data via an app. However, the app can provide detailed reports on students' social media usage. Therefore, the study is internally valid because it has proven that the independent variable influences the dependent variable. Students’ awareness of the social issue is affected by their time spent on social media.
External Validity
The degree to which the study’s findings can be generalized to other target behaviors, populations, or others is called external validity (Kirby et al., 2021). The researchers determined that the study was externally valid because the findings could be generalized to other target behaviors and populations.
The study is externally valid because its findings can be applied to other populations. Students are just some of the ones who are avid users of social media. Other age groups, such as children, teenagers, and adults, are also avid social media users. These people use social media for a variety of reasons. For example, because there are games on social media, children may use them for entertainment. Teens may use social media to express themselves because, at that age, teens seek validation from social media. They may post photos or videos to brag or to receive positive feedback from others on the internet. Adults, on the other hand, may communicate through social media. Hence, people of all ages are immense social media users, and the study’s results may be applied to all age levels.
Furthermore, the study is externally valid because its findings can be applied to other behaviors. The study can be beneficial if researchers want to improve a specific behavior or skill using the internet. For example, if researchers want to raise cultural awareness by using social media, they can do so because it is feasible. Other behaviors or skills that researchers may study include. As a result, the study’s findings also apply to other behaviors.
Social Validity
Social validity is a factor that could help the proposed intervention succeed. The social validity of the intervention and its preferred replacement behavior refers to whether the interventions are accepted social practices. Ensuring that the intervention addresses a socially important goal is essential when determining social validity. Furthermore, those involved in the intervention must believe that the intervention is socially acceptable and that the results will have a socially significant impact. Finally, the intervention features must be appropriate for the teacher’s instructional style, and the teacher must have faith in the intervention’s ability to work and benefit everyone. Furthermore, the researchers determined two social validations in this study. First, the study is socially valid because it aims to make meaningful and productive use of social media by increasing students’ awareness of social issues in their community. Second, the study is socially valid because the intervention is socially acceptable, as using the internet is no longer novel or tedious for most students. As a result of these factors, the study is socially valid.
The study is socially valid because it aims to solve a social problem, and the researchers believe it will have a significant social impact. The study aims to increase student's awareness of social issues in their community to make meaningful and productive use of social media. Most students are constantly connected to the internet via mobile phones, laptops, or other devices. Students, in particular, spend time browsing various social media platforms. However, the researchers believe students’ daily social media usage should be well-spent. As a result, students must use their interests to their advantage, such as becoming aware of current social issues. Therefore, the goal of the study is socially valid.
Another reason for the study’s social validity is that the intervention is widely accepted. Apart from browsing the internet, the students have no other obligations. This task is not difficult, and students are well-versed in it. Furthermore, the researchers believe the intervention will be effective. The researchers believe that the internet has captured students’ attention and that the intervention also involves the internet. Hence, this reason also makes the study socially valid.
In conclusion, the study is socially valid because it aims to increase student's awareness of social issues in their community through social media. It is also socially valid because the intervention is socially acceptable. The researchers also believe that the study will generate positive and accurate results that may be socially beneficial for teachers, parents, students, and future researchers.
This section contains the overall conclusions and findings of the study, its strengths and limitations, and directions and areas for future research.
Overall Conclusions and Findings
The study reveals a correlation between the students' daily social media usage and awareness of common social issues. Ansari (2020) claims that students' use of mobile phones and social media allows for faster transfer of learning. As a result, students may become socially aware after viewing content on social media. They have been using social media for an average of three hours per day, and it is unlikely that they have not learned anything from it. Although some people use social media for entertainment, there is a high likelihood that even one piece of news or social event that one encounters on social media will be remembered. Hence, the recent study revealed that a correlation between the students' daily social media usage and awareness of common social issues is valid and responsible for changes in the dependent variable.
Furthermore, the study reveals that some students learn more when they watch educational content than entertainment content, and vice versa. However, there are times when a student has yet to gain knowledge or a limited amount of knowledge. There could be other factors, such as the student's level of comprehension, and others, that need to be covered by the research.
Moreover, a student must develop social awareness. Students who are familiar with social issues can become socially aware. Social issues are important because they teach students how to think critically. Climate change, women’s...
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