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Understanding Student Perception and Learning Difficulties

Essay Instructions:

When teaching English language arts to students with mild to moderate disabilities, special education teachers will first need to identify the areas where students are having challenges, in order to help them flourish in their academic learning. There can be numerous areas in which students struggle in English language arts and identifying differentiation strategies to help lessen these struggles is important.

Collaborate with the mentor teacher to identify a student or small group of students with disabilities who would benefit from differentiation and engagement strategies during an upcoming ELA lesson or activity.

Part 1: Student Challenges

With permission from the mentor teacher, work with the student or small group of students and observe them while they work on problems in class from an ELA lesson that was taught. Identify the areas noted below where the student/s seem to struggle.

Some areas of concern where students may struggle in ELA include:

Output difficulties

Organizational difficulties

Language difficulties

Attention difficulties

Visual spatial or ordering difficulties

Difficulties with multiple tasks

After observing and noting areas of concern, discuss with each student if he or she considered the areas identified as challenging for them. Continue to work with the student/s with guided practice and support.

Meet with the mentor teacher to discuss your findings. Share strategies you feel would benefit the student/s and have your mentor review these with you to make sure they are appropriate.

Be prepared to use these strategies for Clinical Field Experience C.

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

Part 2: Reflection

After your observations and discussions with the student/s and your mentor teacher, summarize and reflect upon your experiences in 500 words, including:

Describe your initial conversation with the mentor teacher, including how the student/s were chosen.

Discuss the areas where the student/s seem to struggle. Ensure pseudonyms are used for the students to maintain student confidentiality.

Address the discussion with each student regarding the areas that seemed to challenge them. Was the student in agreement with you, or did not feel there was a challenge, or did not need support? If so, how did you continue to support them?

Discuss the strategies that you shared with the mentor teacher. Did the mentor agree the strategies were appropriate? Explain.

Explain how you will use your findings to further assist the students while working with them in this placement. This will also help prepare you for Clinical Field Experience C, as well as your own future classroom engagements. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Understanding Student Perception and Learning Difficulties
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March 15, 2022
Understanding the various differentiation and targeting strategies is essential for any educator. It allows him to understand better how to create a plan and conduct classes in a way that would be most beneficial for his own students. The author focused on Hispanic students living in New York City in line with the mentoring program. I believe that a more targeted and specific approach is essential to help these students specifically when it comes to language skills. 
Choosing the Students
Choosing the students for this program is relatively easy to conduct. During my initial conversation with the teacher, one of the pressing issues they had was the higher rate of learning disabilities among children from the minority population. Specifically, they noted that several students from this population reported higher rates of language difficulties. 
Upon conducting further research, I found out that in 2018-19, the U.S. Office of Special Education Program (OSEP) (n.d.) identified that Latino students are more likely to have a learning disability than other students from other ethnicities in the United States. 
Thus, considering the challenges faced by the school and this finding, I realized that more focus should be given to these sectors of the student population. 
 However, because of the limited time and resources, I could only work with J.E., a six-year-old Latino student living with her grandmother. 
Student's Preferences
One of the things that I noticed is the disconnect between the student's perception and reality. During the interview with J.E.'s adviser, he noted that J.E. has been experiencing difficulties learning English despite being added to a highly diverse section. He has always been lagging in understanding basic English, such as syntax and context clues. 
However, after a conversation with J.E., he seemed to be perfe...
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