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Transformational Leadership And The Symbolic Frame

Essay Instructions:

• Identify the core assumptions of the symbolic perspective.

• Analyze the symbolic frame and discuss examples of its application in educational institutions.

Consider the following questions (and take notes) while you read the chapter:

• What are the assumptions of the symbolic frame?

• When and why is it useful?

• What rituals, story-telling, and heroes exist within your educational settings?

1. Read: Chapter 12: Organizational Symbols and Culture (p. 245–270) in:

Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2013). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Write a 3-page paper (excluding title page and reference list) that includes the following components:

A. Introduction

B. Discuss the assumptions of the symbolic perspective.

C. Describe some of the rituals or ceremonies in educational settings.

• How do these rituals reinforce the goals of an educational institution?

D. Reflect on the organizational symbols within your current workplace.

• Describe the culture of the organization or institution.

• Does the current culture support its ability to accomplish its goals?

• Does the current culture support your ability to accomplish your goals?

E. Discuss how the symbolic frame is useful to you as a current, or future, educational leader.

F. Conclusion

SLP Assignment Expectations

Assignment should be written with the following points in mind.

• This paper should be at least 3 pages, not counting the title page and reference page.

• Provide a clear introduction that orients a reader to the essay main content and the main points discussed.

• Include a well-developed, well-balanced essay body that develops each point in its own paragraph.

• Include a concise conclusion that summarizes the entire essay.

• Include at least three references. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it must be enclosed in quotes.

• Cite references within the text and also list them at the end of the assignment in the References section. Reference should be in (hanging indent format). Follow the APA Style® format; see www(dot)apa(dot)org. Use hanging indent format with 3 references documented through the assignment.

• Provide at least one in-text citation for each reference.

• Include a reference page which follows APA style.

• Organize the essay in a clear and coherent manner.

• The paper should be double spaced with font size of 12.

• Your writing should:

a. Be clear, logical, and precise.

b. Show critical thinking skills.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND THE SYMBOLIC FRAME Name: Institution: Date: To be a leader you must have followers. Followers choose to believe in the vision articulated by the leader for varied reasons. There are many ways of communicating that vision, but it can still be unclear. The success of the leader’s vision is hinged on its clarity and passion it evokes from his/her followersCITATION Bas12 \p 344 \l 1033 (Basham, 2012, p. 344). One of the best ways to communicate this vision and create a conducive environment for its actualization is by use of the symbolic frame. The information is packaged to communicate the vision and construct the compass to guide and direct their teams to realize that vision. Discuss the assumptions of the symbolic perspective. These are the assumptions of symbolic frame according to CITATION Bor13 \p 247 \l 1033 (Borland & Deal, 2013, p. 247). 1. What is most important is not what happens but what it means- Significance is not in the process but the outcome and its significance. 2. Activity and meaning are loosely coupled; events and actions have multiple interpretations as people experience situations differently- People approach different things from different perspectives because of their knowledge and experience; Secondly, an activity is not always meaningful. 3. Facing uncertainty and ambiguity, people create symbols to resolve confusion, find direction, and anchor hope and faith – Symbols are effective tools to resolve confusion, purpose, direction, etc when people become uncertain in their course. 4. Events and processes are often more important for what is expressed than for what is produced. Their emblematic form weaves a tapestry of secular myths, heroes and heroines, rituals ceremonies and stories to help people find purpose and passion - The significance and importance of events and other processes lie in the gesture and what they express rather than what they mean. 5. Culture forms the superglue that bonds an organization, unites people and helps an enterprise to accomplish desired ends- Organizational culture is the core element that brings people together and creates synergy and motivation to accomplish its vision, goals, and objectives. Describe some of the rituals or ceremonies in educational settings. Graduations - Graduation is a ceremony that is meant to celebrate scholars who successfully went through the educational course successful until completion. It is meant to celebrate their efforts and acknowledge the hard work they endured till they completed the respective courses they pursued. It also signifies an end and beginning of a new chapter in their lives having triumphed their respective courses. Proms- They are formal dances and parties organized by members of specific schools/colleges for the finalists at the end of their academic ye...
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