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Specific Learning Disabilities (Language Processing Disorder)

Essay Instructions:

Work Details:

Research Project : Specific Learning Disability- part 1

Research a minimum of four references on Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD).

Write a 850-to 950 word paper that includes the following about Specific Learning Disabilities selected:

1)Legal definition

2)Prevalence for the disability

3)Issues pertaining to this disability

Submit your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

**I will submit a new order every week as a new part will be added till the end of the course to create one long research paper. This is for a masters degree teaching program in special education Mild to Moderate .


Research Paper: Weekly Sections Rubric

Research Paper: Weekly Sections Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Pages, Writing Ability & Content

4.0 pts

Paper was written at the graduate education level without grammatical areas and clearly expressed ideas and concepts. Paper was on-topic and followed the topical heading provided in the paper template. Three or more pages.

3.0 pts

Paper was written with a few grammar and syntax errors, but was generally well written. Ideas and concepts were clearly expressed. Paper was on-topic and followed the topical headings provided in the paper template. At least 2 pages.

2.0 pts

Paper was written with some grammar and syntax errors. Ideas and concepts had some lack of clarity. Paper was somewhat on-topic, but digressed from the topical headings provided in the paper template. At least one page.

1.0 pts

Paper was written with quite a bit of grammar and syntax errors. Ideas and concepts were unclear. Paper deviated from the topical areas provided in the paper template. Less than a page.

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Format

2.0 pts

Completely followed APA formatting rules.

1.5 pts

Predominantly followed APA formatting rules, with a 1, 2 or 3 mistakes.

1.0 pts

Sometimes followed APA formatting rules

0.5 pts

Marginally followed APA formatting rules

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome References

1.0 pts

4 or more sources properly cited in paper

0.75 pts

3 sources properly cited in paper

0.5 pts

2 sources properly cited in paper

0.25 pts

1 source cited

1.0 pts

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Specific Learning Disabilities (Language Processing Disorder) Name: Institution: Table of Contents 1 Definition. 2 Prevalence of the disorder. 3 Issues about the disorder Definition Language Processing Disorder is a more specified type of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD). Usually, Auditory Processing Disorder interferes with the way one interprets the sounds that come into the brain. Background noises are the most common examples of sounds sent to the mind. On the other hand, Language Processing Disorder (LPD) is only involved in the processing of the sound. LPD can have significant effects on the speech as it affects expressive language and how one understands what the other person is saying. It is essential to know as much as one can about the Language Processing Disorders, as they are rarely recognized. There are two types of Language Processing Disorder. These are expressive and receptive. A person suffering from expressive language disorder will have difficulty in expressing what they think while one suffering from receptive disorder will have trouble following a conversation and understanding what the other people are saying (Jerger&Thibodeau, 2017). Suffering from both expressive and receptive disorders is possible. The following are some of the signs and symptoms of the disease.  The affected person has difficulty in getting jokes.  Label recognition is difficult.  There is poorly written output in general.  Difficulty in understanding spoken language.  It is easier to describe an object, but cannot find the correct word for it.  Usually frustrated as they want to say a lot, but they have no way of letting it all out.  There is a familiar feeling that the words are at the tip of the tongue, but cannot say them out loud.  They have a hard time expressing what they think verbally  The affected people cannot read and understand clearly.  They are sad or depressed most of the time. Accepting the situation we are in is the best way to deal with it. There are certain ways one can use to help people suffering from the disorder. Also, the people affected by LPD can use the following approaches to deal with the situation. For one, they can try to speak in a slow pace and clear sentences so that they can be able to convey information they want to pass through (Jacobson, 2015). This will help them master words before saying them out loud. It is also a good approach if they are provided with a tutor to help them a master speech. Use of a tape recorder for recording purposes will help in keeping a close tab on the development (Heim &Benasich, 2017). Another approach would be to refer them to a speech pathologist who will help them practice speaking in a conducive environment — having someone who understands and has undergone extensive training for the condition might be one of the best approaches. Prevalence of the disorder Contrary to the common belief, Language Disorders are ...
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