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Special Education-Progress Assessment Form With Lesson Plan

Essay Instructions:

Please complete the progress assessment form. I work as a special education support teacher. 7th grade english. i filled out the content of the lesson according to the california common core standards. please complete everything else. For the TPE 1-6 page, i am attaching the explanation of each. pick one for each TEP. the second page you have to type the lesson plan on the topic i wrote . students are learning: "CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.5 to develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed; citing sources and writing reference page".

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Special Education-Progress Assessment Form with Lesson Plan Name: Institution: Special Education-Progress Assessment Form with Lesson Plan Candidate District Support Provider Names: Email Addresses: What Reading Strategies are addressed in your lesson or overall in your current unit plan? How do you link what you are learning in coursework to your practice in your classroom?  What research/ evidence-based Teaching Methods and Models are you currently trying in your classroom? What Instructional Strategies Designed for English Language Learners have you been implementing? * Use of cloze notes to follow teaching videos. * Use varying supporting activities to demonstrate comprehension of what students have learned. * Instruction in vocabulary. * Use of phonics and phonemes. * Writing in journals. * Reading aloud, and choral and buddy reading. * Reviewing background knowledge. * I apply some of the techniques I learned while teaching. For example, I divide the session into short periods of direct instruction followed by independent practice. * Teaching employs sequencing by having the teacher help students break down unknown words by parts and sounds as students read aloud. * Teaching demonstrates the knowledge of TPE domains and competencies I observed in teaching practice. * Use of direct instruction, explanations and questions. * Use of visual aids and models. * Guided practice in pairs and as a group. * Real life application of concepts. * Quick overviews of material covered. * Independent practice involving teacher prompts and correction. * Participation of students in the creation of story problems. Alternate periods of instruction and guided practice. Direct Instruction. * Provision of clear instructions. * Use of technology such as projectors to have PowerPoint presentations and videos. * Verbal, visual, and written support. * Pronunciation of unfamiliar words. * Repetition. * Modeling. * Practice reading and writing of words. * Manipulative application. * Cloze paragraphs. Date of Lesson Objectives/ Common Core Standards Met Class/ Subject Area being Taught Any additional information about your lesson CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.5 Develop and strengthen writing with some guidance and support from peers and adults as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 1-3 up to and including grade 7 here.) 7th grade English (middle school) Students will read, analyze, discuss, write and perform fictional and non-fictional literature ("Grade 7 Language Arts Objectives", 2016, 3). The group will learn and conduct exercises to practice, write and think of strategies that relate to the text and problems in the real world. Ratings: 0: No Competency Demonstrated 1: Minimal Competency Demonstrated 2: Basic Competency Demonstrated 3: Proficient Competency Demonstrated (Minimum level required for recommendation for Preliminary Teaching Credential) 4: Exceptional Competency Demonstrated N...
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