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Specific Learning Disabilities-Section 2: Visual Perceptual Deficits

Essay Instructions:

Research a minimum of four references on Visual Perceptual Deficits as part of SLD from sources other than your textbooks.

Write a 900-to 1,200-word paper that includes the following about Visual Perceptual Deficits:


Impact on learning

Methods to differentiate instruction

Therapeutic interventions that are research-based

Submit your paper consistent with APA guidelines.by SUNDAY.


Research Paper: Weekly Sections Rubric

Research Paper: Weekly Sections Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Pages, Writing Ability & Content

4.0 pts

Paper was written at the graduate education level without grammatical areas and clearly expressed ideas and concepts. Paper was on-topic and followed the topical heading provided in the paper template. Three or more pages.

3.0 pts

Paper was written with a few grammar and syntax errors, but was generally well written. Ideas and concepts were clearly expressed. Paper was on-topic and followed the topical headings provided in the paper template. At least 2 pages.

2.0 pts

Paper was written with some grammar and syntax errors. Ideas and concepts had some lack of clarity. Paper was somewhat on-topic, but digressed from the topical headings provided in the paper template. At least one page.

1.0 pts

Paper was written with quite a bit of grammar and syntax errors. Ideas and concepts were unclear. Paper deviated from the topical areas provided in the paper template. Less than a page.

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Format

2.0 pts

Completely followed APA formatting rules.

1.5 pts

Predominantly followed APA formatting rules, with a 1, 2 or 3 mistakes.

1.0 pts

Sometimes followed APA formatting rules

0.5 pts

Marginally followed APA formatting rules

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome References

1.0 pts

4 or more sources properly cited in paper

0.75 pts

3 sources properly cited in paper

0.5 pts

2 sources properly cited in paper

0.25 pts

1 source cited

1.0 pts

Total Points: 7.0

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Visual Perceptual Deficits
Visual Perceptual Deficits
Vision is one of the ultimate gifts we have in addition to the gift of life. However, some are not as lucky as they are born blind or develop complications after birth. In certain situations, blindness can be caused by the lifestyle of the mother. This is to mean that certain diseases and complications affect the child before birth. Problems and complications developed after birth lead to some types of disabilities. Visual perceptual skills refer to the skills a person uses so that they can interpret what they are seeing. Recognition of letters and the shapes, finding something that you are looking for and reading a textbook are some of the examples of the uses of visual perceptions in our daily lives. The essay discusses Visual perceptual deficits in details.
There is a deficit in a vision called visual perception deficit. This is where one does interpret the information sent to the eyes correctly. This situation is mostly related to blindness and when the eyesight is slightly partial. In partial sight, one lacks visual acuteness. This problem occurs when the eye does not perform accordingly (Dhingra, Manhas, Kohli, 2017). An injury may cause this complication to the eye or malformation. Diseases can also cause the eye to fail to perform effectively. Deficits in visual perceptions cause learning disabilities, and the problem mostly occurs in children. There can also be a visual deficit even if the child or the person has no eye problem and is in full control of the muscles.
To start with, it is essential to understand what perception means. In simple terms, perception is the interpretation of information through the five senses in the human body. Visual perception plays an essential role when reading and writing. This is because for one to read, they have to first understand the forms and the background of the letters in the book or an article. In short, perception represents how we fear our current situation about our past experiences. A great philosopher by the name Immanuel Kant also said that we see things the way we are, not because of the way they are (Jones, 2016). The following is an example of how perception is interrelated with our previous experiences. A situation where a person is walking away from their car while still looking back at it is the best example. The more one moves further away from the vehicle, the more they see the vehicle becoming smaller. However, one cannot say that the vehicle is shrinking.
The sensory image of the car shrinks quickly, but we do not deduce that the vehicle is changing sizes. This is because our past experiences have taught us that vehicles do not shrink and vary in size. The size tends to remain the same and seeing the car shrinking is just an illusion. When one puts a finger in front of the eye at a distance further from the vehicle, we cannot see it. However, our interpretation is still the same: the size is the same. This perception about the size that is learned is called size constancy (Schneck, 2014). There are people around the world who do not know what size constancy is.
An example is the people who live in the rainforests in Africa. This was discover...
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