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The Critique of Schooling for Development

Essay Instructions:

After reading the file and the link I give, and answer the following question:

1. Attempt to summarize the author’s main point(s). 2. Identify concepts or passages that you found either confusing or enlightening. (give the details) 3. Provide a reaction or two to the reading: What do you like or dislike about it? Agree or disagree with? How can you relate it to your experience?

Each question should be one individual paragraph, no begin paragraph and no end paragraph, only write 3 paragraphs to answer the questions, no more than 3 parageraphs

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The critique of schooling for development
Institutional Affiliation
In, “An introduction to the study of non-Western and indigenous educational traditions: A philosophical starting point,” the author observes that it is essential to learn the non-Western and native educational traditions of Africans and Asians, as such groups have contributed in the development of western culture. According to Reagan’s perspective, non-Western education traditions can provide an opportunity for the growth of an open and varied education system that helps to eliminate misinterpretations that breed a lack of understanding among diverse people. Also, Reagan observes that non-Western education would help to challenge the current dominant ethnocentrism founded on people’s culture and biases of a field with a qualitative standard. The author concludes that it is realistic and essential learning non-Western a...
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