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Week 4 Course Project: Specific Learning Disability Paper

Essay Instructions:

Research a minimum of four references on Auditory Processing Deficits as part of SLD from sources other than your textbooks.

Write a 900-to 1,200-word paper that includes the following about Auditory Processing Deficits:


Impact on learning

Methods to differentiate instruction

Therapeutic interventions that are research-based

Submit your paper consistent with APA guidelines by Sunday.

*** Hello this paper is for a special education teacher license program. ThanksZ***

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Auditory Processing Deficit
Auditory Processing Deficit
People suffering from Auditory Processing Disorder have difficulties processing information. Also known as Central Auditory Processing Disorder, children are the most affected. Kids suffering from APD cannot hear the same way as other kids because there is no coordination between the brain and the ears. The interpretation of sounds especially speech is interfered with in mind. However, children suffering from APD can still have a normal childhood and successful school life while undergoing therapy.
On the other hand, early diagnosis of APD is essential. This is because a child can experience delays in language and difficulties in learning when the condition is not diagnosed early. The essay tackles characteristics of APD, the impact of APD on learning and methods used to differentiate instructions. Also, therapeutic interventions on APD that are research-based will also be discussed in this paper.
Characteristics of APD
A child suffering from APD is easily distracted by sounds. Being sensitive to sounds in an unusual way, a child with APD will have trouble paying attention and concentrating especially if there are background noises. Kids with APD are capable of hearing sounds in a quiet environment. However, they do not seem to recognize the slight differences between sounds and words. This happens even in situations when the sounds are loud enough to be heard (Morlet, 2014). Children suffering from APD are always upset by a noisy environment. However, when the child moves to a quieter environment, they seem to be at peace, and their performance improves.
People suffering from APD have a problem understanding directions. The reason for this is that the brain finds it hard to remember and follow everything that has been said hence making the child forgetful. In most cases, people suffering from APD have trouble when it comes to reading, spelling and solving mathematical problems. They also find it hard to keep up a conversation. However, most people do not understand APD fully because most of the characteristics are similar to other conditions such as ADHD.
Impact on Learning
Social Impact of APD
To start with, people suffering from APD can hear. They seem to be focused when speaking to them and can easily pass a hearing test. Often, people tend to judge others when they fail to laugh after jokes or sarcasm. For this reason, people suffering from APD participate less in conversations to avoid frustration and ridicule. People may also think that they are either defiant or lack of knowledge (Keith, Tektas& Ramsay, 2018).). Being sensitive to noise, they avoid loud places that would make them anxious like a cafeteria. To add on, individuals with APD avoid their peers since they are uncomfortable with them.
Academic Impact of APD
APD makes it difficult for students to identify sounds. As a result, they may end up having problems reading and understanding. Consequently, the longer it takes to read through a text and understand, the less the chances o...
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