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Critique of Schooling for Development: Deskilling and Deculturalization

Essay Instructions:

For each reading, you should prepare for class in the following way: 1. Attempt to summarize the author’s main point(s) in a sentence or two. 2. Identify specific terms, concepts, or passages that you found either confusing or interesting and enlightening (in other words, what would you like to bring up as a point of clarification or discussion). 3. Provide a reaction or two to the reading: What do you like or dislike about it? Agree or disagree with? How can you relate it to your experience?

These are the guide questions and dont need to answer--What do you think of some of the "development critiques" presented by Shields? How do "politics and power" affect the nature of education for development, and what do Marxist and post-colonial perspectives add to the critical analysis? Which of these approaches might you find most persuasive? How might you respond to the three questions that Shields poses at the end of his chapter?

--According to Reagan, why are indigenous educational traditions important to value and to study? How do they challenge our "ethnocentrism?" What other terms, concepts, or discussions in this chapter did you find interesting? What do you think of Reagan's argument?


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critique of Schooling for Development: Deskilling and Deculturalization
Reagan main idea when writing the given book was to show that there is also too much knowledge outside the West region. His idea is to show that individual can get new and existing knowledge from indigenous educational traditions and non-Western education. He observes that indigenous educational traditions are important and they do challenge our ethnocentrism where every individual thinks his culture and practice are more superior than the other.
Ethnocentrism has a major impact on our education. According to Reagan the study of traditional indigenous educational practices have been condensed to those of socialization and acculturation only to be learnt by anthropologist. today scholars are equating education to schooling and traditions are falling out the parameters of the legitimate study of philosophy and history in education. Indigenou...
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