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Week 3- Supporting Families Of Youth With Disabilities

Essay Instructions:


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Week 3 - Discussion: Supporting Families

The definition and demographics of today’s families has changed and continues to change. In Ch. 4 of Exceptional Lives, characteristics of youth with disabilities and youth in the general population were compared.

Respond to the following prompts by Wednesday:

What surprised you about this if anything?

What will you do when you are a special educator to improve families’ quality of life as their “partner in education” (Turnbull, Turnbull, Wehmeyer, & Shogren, 2013, p. 83)?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Supporting Families of Youth with Disabilities
Supporting Families of Youth with Disabilities
Raising a family has proven to be a difficult task. Consequently, raising a family where a member requires special attention is twice as hard. This is because you have to come up with a way to make sure that the family member gets whatever they want. In our minds, family is a setup with mother, father and children. This, however, is not the case since there are families headed by uncles and grandparents. It is true that people related by blood, adoption or through marriage make up a family. There are certain people who are willing to go an extra mile to support people with special needs and families that are not their own. The essay discusses supporting families of youth with disabilities.
Take for instance, the Stuckey family. The oldest child, Brianna, is fifteen. He is suffering from spinal curvature and muscle contractions. He is also deaf and blind just to mention a few conditions. His brother is fourteen and a boy scout. He is musically talented and is fascinated by science. Though terrible at spelling, he loves reading and writing. The youngest child is called Mellissa and she is eleven years old. She suffers from hearing loss so she has to use hearing aids. People suffering from disabilities also have their own areas of strengths; they are not always affected by the disability (Boyington, 2014). Dinell, their mother, has had several accomplishments in her life and is willing to do anything for her children. The father, Michael, i...
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