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Dilemmas and Contradictions Faced by Citizenship Education

Essay Instructions:

For each reading, you should prepare for class in the following way: 1. Attempt to summarize the author’s main point(s) in a sentence or two. 2. Identify specific terms, concepts, or passages that you found either confusing or interesting and enlightening (in other words, what would you like to bring up as a point of clarification or discussion). 3. Provide a reaction or two to the reading: What do you like or dislike about it? Agree or disagree with? How can you relate it to your experience?

These are the guide questions and dont need to answer:--According to Banks, what is the essential (and also difficult) task for citizenship education to fulfill in an era of recognizing ethnic, cultural, and linguistic diversity within nation-states?

--According to Banks, what are the contradictions and dilemmas that citizenship education faces? In your opinion, do you see any contradictions and dilemmas in implementing Dowa education in Japan, according to Bondy's study?

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According to Banks the essential and the difficult task that schools need to have is to provide an education that will enable a graduate to act by the global contest. He proposes that the education provided to citizens should be transformed in such a way that it accommodates current global changes such as worldwide migration and globalization. Such education should acknowledge students with different culture and races so that they may recognize other people's culture and respect it. However, it is challenging to provide this type of education because there is no clear guidance available. He further argues that coining such guidelines is complicated due to factors such as nationalization.
The citizenship education faces va...
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