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Training Evaluation methods
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Part 1: (10 points)
consider Kaufman's Five Levels of Evaluation https://bizfluent(dot)com/info-8582553-kaufmans-five-levels-evaluation.html#google_vignette methods of training evaluations and briefly compare it to the Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation. https://www(dot)devlinpeck(dot)com/content/kirkpatrick-model-evaluation You will need to find more information Kaufman's Five Levels of Evaluation method to fully compare it to Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation.
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Training Evaluation Methods
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“Kaufman’s Five Levels of Evaluation versus Kirkpatrick's Four Levels”
Evaluating the effectiveness of the training programs in instructional design and organizational development is critical for the human resource department. Therefore, critically analyzing the two training evaluation models, including Five Levels of Evaluation by Kaufman and Four Levels of Evaluation by Kirkpatrick, is pivotal. Despite its strength as a framework for assessing outcomes of training initiatives, Kirkpatrick's model cannot provide a more in-depth analysis of what will occur due to training that extends beyond the immediate outcomes, as explored by Kaufman's expanded model.
Donald Kirkpatrick's model is straightforward and widely used because of its simplicity and practical application. It assesses training effectiveness across four levels: Reaction, Learning, Behaviour, and Results. Most of these levels are focused on measuring the impression of training directly on participants and the organization (Setyadi et al., 2024). As per Ali, Tufail and Qazi (2022), Roger Kaufman extends this model to add a fifth level to expand the scope of the evaluation. This strategic and integrated approach to the training review advocates that it is not simply focused on internal organizational outcomes but also on training imposed on society considering the social outcomes.
Unlike the first level of Kirkpatrick's Feedback model of training- Reaction -Input and Process (Level 1, according to Kaufman) focuses not only on participant satisfaction but also on needed resources, including quality and availability of physical, financial, and human resources (Peck, 2023; Arthurs, 2017). It then pr...
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