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Mentor Bi-quarterly Evaluation #1
Essay Instructions:
Have your mentor complete an evaluation of your work performance for Weeks 1-5 of this term (see Externship Handbook ‘Appendix B’ for a copy of the evaluation form). Upload the completed evaluation into this dropbox.
I just added the handbook if you scroll to page 15 you don't have to do anything with, I was just showing you.
All I need is you basically saying how I already the knowledge from the Marine Corps of training, but I have learned a few new things, but I am ready for the instructor role after I graduate kind of the jest. You are the mentor (Byron Wade) (I am the student Jason) I included the paper you wrote to assist.
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Mentor Bi-quarterly Evaluation #1
Author’s Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
As Jason's mentor, I admired his exceptional performance. He introduced his foundationary knowledge from the Marine Corps and the new skills he developed during the first five weeks of his externship. Jason's military background lends him discipline and an understanding of physical conditioning, which he has used well in training high school football players. He demonstrates his readiness to become an instructor post-graduation: being able to integrate these elements into his coaching methodology has been remarkable.
During the externship, Jason went to great lengths to promote training methods that effectively hone the athletes'...
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