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Thesis Writing About Educational Question

Essay Instructions:

“The only questions that really matter are the ones you ask yourself.”

- Ursula Le Guin

The more time that we spend in schools, the more questions we have. And while we may never have all of the answers to these questions, taking an inquiry stance to our practice helps us ensure that we always keep learning. One of the goals of the Rutgers GSE Urban Teacher Education program is to help you become reflective practitioners who reflect and act to continuously improve. This assignment gives you the opportunity to consider a challenge that has emerged for you in your clinical placement classroom.

For your final assignment, you will choose one of the challenges/questions you asked in your weekly field notes and make something of your choice to extend your learning about this challenge. Some ideas for this assignment are:

1. Plan a lesson or icebreaker activity for your future classroom about your topic.

2. Write an agenda for a community or family activity related to your topic.

3. Create an annotated compilation of resources that you could distribute to fellow educators about your topic.

4. Interview a student, teacher, administrator, parent, or community member to get their perspective on your topic.

These are just suggestions - you can also develop your own idea! This assignment is a place for you to think about taking the ideas from the class and moving them into action. There is not a page requirement for this activity - it is about the thinking and creativity you put into it. We will discuss your ideas during office hours.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Accommodating English Language Learners (ELLs) in the Mainstream Classroom
One of my students was an Arabic girl who had been in the United States for barely a year. While she appeared to be on track with classwork, she also seemed lonely and mostly did everything alone. The teachers tried to accommodate her in the class by asking questions and while she did her best to answer, the class did not appear very comfortable. I asked myself, as teachers, when the classroom is mostly one race students, how can we help other races' students to be involved and be a part of this big family?
I developed a list of few questions that I’d ask the other teachers on how they accommodate and help ELLs with barely basic understanding of English. I called two teachers from a private school I knew they were used to having ELLs and inquire how they approached their classes. My question was: How do you accommodate ELLs in your mainstream class?
Me: How do you accommodate ELLs in your mainstream class?
Teacher 1: I have had a few students in my class who do not speak English. After a few years, I have found the trick of having visuals really good for them. Making things visual helps them to understand and help their language development. I try as much as possible to write everything down because spoken language is harder to process. Pronunciation and accent can hinder the student’s ability to understand a concept of a word. Making it visual or even writing it on the board helps the student to fully understand what I am communicating. For some classes especially before the pandemic, I used to show diagrams and pictures in class to help the ELLs. The other students also benefit from the diagrams and a lot of writing on the classroom. During the pandemic, I try to send the ELLs materials to the students before the class so they can go through it before we get to class. It compensates for the writing I used to do in the traditional class set up. I also encourage them to use their native language in class. If I have other students who speak the native language, I put them into the same group and encourage them to use either English or the other language for their discussion. I have found this trick helps the new learner settle and make friends as well as making the class more enjoyable for them. I even encourage them to scaffold their answers in their native language to pass their message. This applies to oral and written tests. They do not have to sit there and do nothing when other students are doing their tests. I also work closely with the teaching assistant. They help me with marking and slowly explaining the concepts to the ELLs as I try to explain the concepts to the rest of the class. Communicating and working with the ELLs teachers goes a long way in helping the students. I also give the ELL’s teachers my lesson plan and materials before the class so they can prepare to teach the ELLs. There is no single approach that I can recommend that works for my ELLs. For each student I adapt the approach to accommodate him/her. These are some of the tips I’ve been using in my class and I’ve found them to be very helpful.
NB; Teacher 1 is a science teacher in a private school. She has been a teacher for 10 years.
Me: How do you accommodate ELLs in your mainstream class?
Teacher 2: As a mathematics teacher, I rely heavily on my teaching assistants to help ELLs. I plan my lessons with my teaching assistant to be handy for my students. After introducing the topic of the day to the whole class, I work with groups to teach the concepts. Mathematics may be a universal language but explaining the concepts to learners may be challenging if there is a language barrier. Thus, teaching ...
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