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Co-Teaching Models and Paraeducator Action Plan Essay Sample

Essay Instructions:

There are many benefits to having additional support in the classroom. In addition to providing access to the general education curriculum and setting, co-teaching models within an inclusive classroom can offer specialized instruction for individuals with disabilities and allow these students more collaborative time with their peers. General and special education teachers can also expand their own knowledge and teaching capacity when applying co-teaching instruction and strategies in an inclusive setting.

In this assignment, you will examine the six co-teaching models, and how these collaborative models can provide a better learning environment for all students, especially students with disabilities.

Part 1: Co-Teaching Models

Complete the “Co-Teaching Models and Paraeducator Action Plan Template" that addresses the following:

Co-Teaching Models: Define the six co-teaching models with a visual representation for each model (an appropriate link to the visual is acceptable).

Advantages and Disadvantages: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each model.

Instructional Strategies: Describe research-based instructional strategies unique to each model. Discuss how each supports individuals with disabilities.

Positive Effects: Address the positive effects of each co-teaching model on teachers and students.

Responsibility and Accountability: Explain how the shared responsibilities and accountabilities are executed when the co-teaching is between a general and special educator, and when the co-teaching includes collaborating with a paraeducator.

Support your findings with a minimum of two scholarly resources.

Part 2: Paraeducator Action Plan

There are many benefits to having a paraeducator, not only in your classroom, but on campus as well. They can provide services to teachers, students, parents, and the community. Through training, collaboration, and mentoring, a paraeducator can assist in providing quality education alongside special and general educators. In addition, paraeducators can help with classroom instruction, provide additional support for exceptional students, and collaborate with other school personnel to help meet individual student needs.

This part of the assignment will allow you to practice your ability to foster collaboration between the classroom teacher and an assisting paraeducator to create a safe, inclusive, positive learning environment that engages and promotes the well-being of individuals with exceptionalities.

Read the classroom scenario below, and complete Part 2 of the “Co-Teaching Models and Paraeducator Action Plan" template.


Ms. Jeter is a general education teacher in an inclusive seventh-grade classroom that will have 30 students including four students with learning disabilities (LD) and two students with emotional disabilities (ED). She was just informed that a paraeducator would assist her in the classroom for the new school year. She has spoken to the paraeducator and it appears that the two will work very well together in terms of compatible personalities and philosophies regarding students with disabilities. However, Ms. Jeter has never worked with a paraeducator before. Further, the paraeducator has never had this job before, but has worked as a Sunday school teacher and loves children.

Based on the scenario, use the “Co-Teaching Models and Paraeducator Action Plan” to create a 500-750 word action plan for a successful co-teaching environment.

The action plan should address the following:

Teaching Philosophy and Vision of the Classroom Setting: Describe a philosophy and vision that incorporates the teacher/paraeducator relationship.

Rules and Expectations: Describe 3-5 rules and expectations for the teacher and the paraeducator specific to student learning and behavior in the classroom.

Collaboration Model Outline: Selected from Part 1 of this assignment, outline a collaboration model for the paraeducator that promotes the well-being of individuals with disabilities. Include possible challenges and advantages to utilizing the selected collaboration model.

Roles and Responsibilities: Identify roles and responsibilities of the teacher and the paraeducator, including the discussion of confidentiality.

Collaboration Time: Detail a plan for the teacher and paraeducator to meet regularly to prepare for units/lessons, reflect on teaching, review student achievement/goals, and provide feedback and mentoring to the paraeducator.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Co-Teaching Models and Paraeducator Action Plan Template
Part 1: Co-Teaching Models
Co-Teaching Model:

Definition and Visual of Model

Advantages and Disadvantages

Instructional Strategies

Positive Effects

Responsibility and Accountability

1 One Teaching, One Observing

This model allows the teacher to become the principal educator while the other teacher assesses education and the student’s responses. Here, the principal educator positions himself in front of the class while the second educator is hiding in a place unnoticeable by the students for optimal observation (Morin, n.d.).

1 It allows for proper data gathering, particularly by the second educator who does the observation, without interrupting the principal educator.
2 It helps the students understand the sequence of instructions with little to no difficulty.
3 It allows for optimal observation of those students who need assistance (Morin, n.d.).
1 It gives the impression that there is only one educator, making it challenging for the second educator to build a strong relationship with the students (Morin, n.d.).

Inquiry-based instructions, lectures

It provides sufficient information about the students to help the educator form future instructions and modify current strategies (Morin, n.d.).

The principal educator is responsible for providing adequate instructions, while the co-teacher is accountable for proper observation. Both shall help in analyzing the results and the modification of teaching strategies in the future (Morin, n.d.).

2 One Teaching, One Assisting

It allows one teacher to educate the class on a particular lesson while standing in front of the class, while the other assists by helping the students individually by roaming around the classroom (Morin, n.d.).

1 It allows the teacher to educate the students without distractions.
2 It allows fresh graduates to observe experienced teachers (Morin, n.d.).
1 It gives a notion of superiority among the ranks of the educators (Morin, n.d.).

Play-based learning, project-based learning

It provides an immediate, one-on-one response to clarifications when necessary, preventing the student from being left behind (Morin, n.d.).

The principal educator is responsible for providing instructional materials while the co-teacher shall assist the students in their assigned tasks, check their homework and projects, and monitor their behavior in the classroom (University of Minnesota, n.d.).

3 Station Teaching

This model divides the class into three groups, where the educators shall teach a single lesson differently (Morin, n.d.).

1 Both teachers are active at teaching.
2 It diminishes the student-to-teacher ratio (Morin, n.d.).
1 It needs the students to be at almost the same pace to prevent leaving a student behind (Morin, n.d.).

Cooperative learning, differentiation using worksheets

It promotes elaboration of knowledge because each teacher knows varying depths of information (Morin, n.d.).

The principal and secondary educators are responsible for devising each task’s general and specific objectives and determining how the students will benefit from changing groups (Morin, n.d.).

4 Parallel Teaching

This model divides the class into two groups, and one teacher is assigned for each. Each group shall occupy a different space in the room while the assigned teacher stands in front of each group (Morin, n.d.).

1 It splits the responsibility between two teachers in teaching a hard lesson. This is beneficial in providing a small and optimal environment to learn and ask (Morin, n.d.).
1 Both teachers must have equal knowledge, skill, and rigor of the topic to prevent discrepancies in learning (Morin, n.d.).

Close reading, integration of content areas, lectures

It provides heterogeneity in strengths and abilities among students (Morin, n.d.).

Both teachers should devise the same lesson plan for the students, and they need to practice or train together to ensure that all students will get the same amount of information (Morin, n.d.).

5 Alternative Te...
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