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Summary of Video Lesson

Essay Instructions:

Write a brief (5-10 sentences) summary of the video and personal reflection that demonstrates your understanding of the content. This summary should appear in the "Description" heading of your spreadsheet, along with the URL of the video.

First Grade Phonics: https://youtu(dot)be/rrqPzL-dERk (1:08:36) (TPSD)

Fourth Grade Reading: https://youtu(dot)be/ERIwByt4xc0 (50:21)

Kindergarten Math: https://youtu(dot)be/D2o6MDpL1v0 (53:11)

First Grade Writing: https://youtu(dot)be/F5tKujjWUDM (28:50)

Second Grade Math: https://youtu(dot)be/zgW9hJE_n_s (45:57)

Co-Teaching Elementary:https://youtu(dot)be/WoBUb4ZpgyI (28:05)

First Grade Reading: https://youtu(dot)be/CEamecm6MO4 (25:26)

Second Grade Creative Lesson: https://youtu(dot)be/CEamecm6MO4 (52:12)

Elementary Read Aloud: https://youtu(dot)be/dZypqOFKWbw (23:36)

Elementary Science Lesson: https://youtu(dot)be/FG152JGTHzg (26:45)

High School Math: 11th Grade Mathematics - YouTube (27:44)

High School Science: Time for Class - Mr. Adler Science Lesson - YouTube (38:07)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Summary of Video Lesson
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Summary of Video Lesson
First Grade Phonics
The video lesson entails the teacher testing the pupils reading skills. This is done by displaying cards with some sounds for the pupils to read aloud (minute 5). The teacher demonstrates to the pupils how to restructure their mouths and tongues for proper articulation. The teacher starts with two letters, progresses to complete words, and combines entire sentences with punctuation marks. Later on, the teacher dictates some sounds as the pupils write them down (minute 49). Both the reading and writing process helps the pupils learn skills.
Fourth-grade reading
This video lesson entails using artifacts/primary sources to deduce characters traits of a person, describing a setting or an event from history, and relating to real-life experiences. The students are helped to identify primary sources and know if a source is primary or secondary (minute 10). The pupils are grouped into groups where they discuss using print and digital sources to gather relevant information (minute 35). The pupils are taught how to evaluate evidence, dig for information and gather evidence from literary text to support their thoughts and opinions. The pupils are taught how to be objective while doing research.
Kindergarten math
Pupils are asked to tell each other what they learned in the previous lesson to enhance their memory. The teacher uses songs to enable the student to grasp information (minute 13). Pupils are asked questions so that they may be active and involved in the learning process. The teacher spells number words aloud for the pupils to do the same (minute 15). This helps incorrectly spell number words. The teacher reads a story and asks the pupils some questions along the way to enhance participation. Additionally, mathematical problems are created, and the pupils are grouped and asked to solve them. The teacher moves from one group to the other while trying to help pupils facing difficulties in solving the problems.
First Grade Writing
The teacher provides more insight into informational writing. The pupils are taught how to correctly format an essay: topic sentence, supporting evidence, and conclusion (minute 17). The teacher primarily uses gestures while teaching and encourages the pupils to do the same. The pupils are then asked to recite what they have read and write it down step by step (minute 8). At the same time, they are taught how to use the essential punctuation marks correctly. Using gestures helps the pupils to remember what they read and quickly write it down.
Second Grade math
The pupils are taught about place value. It is the basis of the entire number system. It is the system in which the position of a digit in a number decides its value. Using the decimal system or the base ten number system, each place represents ten times the place to its right (minute 6). The pupils are taught how to represent numbers using the base ten number system (minute 40). The teacher deploys the use of questions and the pupils' answers. Through this, the teachers get to understand the level at which the pupils have understood the topic.
Co-teaching Elementary
The video lesson involves collaborative teaching: one teacher teaches while the other assists the pupils individually. The pupils are taught how to read a complete sentence (minute 20). The teachers disorient a sentence and ask the pupil to reorganize it. Later on, the pupils are put into groups, given cards that make a complete sentence, and asked to arrange them correctly. Meanwhile, both the teachers go around assisting the students (minute 13). The students can improve their ability to make a sentence under the guidance of two teachers.
First Grade Reading
The topic of the lesson is -words. The teachers start by asking the pupils to read give examples of words finishing with –and at the same time reading them aloud. The teacher uses a poem to help...
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