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Monistic and Pluralistic Worldview Fundamental Concepts and Influences to Teaching Practice

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Assessment Description
Most Americans hold a dualistic or pluralistic worldview - many unknowingly. So, it is important to recognize that others may bring different perspectives to the teaching and learning experience. In addition, the personal assumptions of an educator influence the teaching and learning process. In this assignment, you will contrast the fundamental concepts of a monistic and a dualistic/pluralistic worldview and address how this influences your teaching practice.
Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) that contrasts the fundamental concepts of a monistic and a dualistic/pluralistic worldview and address how holding one of these worldviews influences your teaching practice. Include the following in your paper:
A brief overview of the nature of monistic and dualistic/pluralistic worldviews. What are the fundamental components of each type of worldview?
A clear contrast of monistic and dualistic/pluralistic worldviews.
A synopsis of how holding a monistic or dualistic/pluralistic worldview influences your personal teaching practice.

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Worldview Foundations
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Monism is a philosophical theory or doctrine that denies the distinction or duality in some aspects like mind, God, and the world (Wight, 2013). It holds that only one kind of ultimate substance or Supreme Being exists. This theory attempts to do away with the concept of body and mind and introduce a concept that would illustrate everything based on one unifying principle. According to Nyvlt (2012), monism is the doctrine for various views in metaphysics that emphasize unity in some aspects. This worldview maintains that all things exist as one. The world and everything in it does not exist. Types of monism include priority monism, genus monism, substance monism, property monism, attributive monism, and partial monism.
Some philosophers have criticized the monism view, arguing that even common sense dictates substances' plurality. However, monism perceives that the plurality for substances could exist only due to their appearance, although they are similar (Nulty, 2015). Religiously, monism alludes to one God in different formations. The philosophy of mind states that the body and the mind must co-exist because they are part of the human body. This doctrine argues that humans are many but similar, proving that plurality is only an appearance matter.
Dualism is a system or theory of thought regarding a domain of reality based on two independent principles, specifically mind and matter (Wight, 2013). It uses two irreducible and heterogeneous principles to evaluate the awareness process or explain all reality and its broad aspects. Examples include God and the world, body and mind, good and evil, and subject and object. Dualists contend that the brain and mind are similar, while others believe that the brain is not entirely the product of a mind. According to Nyvlt (2012), the body and mind are conceptually discrete but coextensive. Internationalism in dualism argues that the body and mind coordinate and influence each other.
Occasionalism perceives that the body and brain do not connect. Interestingly, parallelism claims that human psychologies and histories coordinate to enable mental occasions to occur and cause physical events (Nyvlt, 2012). In his pursuit to demonstrate the co-existence of the mind and the body, Plato Phaedo associates the body with a prison where the soul is confined (Nulty, 2015). When incarcerated, the mind is forced to examine reality through the body and cannot acquire knowledge of the highest, unchanging, external, and non-perceptible knowledge objects.
Pluralism is a theory or system that acknowledges more than one ultimate principle. It is a widely accepted worldview because it alludes to multi-perceptive towards everything (Wight, 2013). It suggests that humans should and can get along if they develop their perceptions and views towards things. Pluralism is a political theory stating that individuals with different backgrounds, beliefs, and lifestyles can co-exist in the same community and participate equally in the political processes. Most people value a worldview that gives them a multi-perspective towards different things. Nulty (2015) outlined that pluralism at its best protects fundamental human rights like freedom to worship and expression based on the dictates of private conscience. The final goal of pluralism is to accomplish a common good through dialogue, negotiation, and conflict resolution.
The Contrast of Monistic and Dualistic/Pluralistic Worldviews
The primary difference between monism and dualism is ...
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