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Week1- Special Education Values -Discussion Post Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

Consider the case example “Who is Dylan Schwind?” in Ch.1 of Exceptional Lives.


Respond to the following prompts by Wednesday:

What are your reactions to this story?

What things were done that were detrimental to Dylan?

What should have been done to ensure Dylan was provided with a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)?

Share any experience(s) you have had that might relate to this story.

Reply to three of your classmates’ posts by Sunday.

Consider the following in your replies:

What reactions do you have to the ideas presented?

Include examples from the course readings, scholarly literature, and practical experiences to support your perspective.

Raise questions to continue the discussion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week1- Special Education Values -Discussion Post
Week1- Special Education Values -Discussion Post
Children with disability always get difficulty when leaning at schools because they are discriminated by other students due to their conditions. The same is seen in the story of Dylan who was a Chinese student and came from a military Family. Therefore, the provides a response to Dylan’s case as described in the story ‘’Who is Dylan Schwind?’’
I feel that the story truly reflects the challenges that children who live with disability experience during their education. Dylan came from a military family, and, therefore his parents continuously moved to various regions within the country to serve the nation. The kind of life also forced Dylan to continuously move from one school to another. As a result, he was frequently bullied by other students not because of his race but due to his condition. Further, he was denied educational services despite being eligible to them since the schools were discriminative and misclassified the right people for the services ((Turnbull, 1995). The challenges that he faced in life affected him emotionally and he could always be seen crying in class. Therefore, I feel that the story truly reflects the problems that children who live with disability experience in schools.
Similarly, there were several things that were done to Dylan that were considered detrimental to his life. First, he was denied the opportunity to receive free educational services that were offered to the disabled persons by the government. The schools misclassified the students and channeled the benefits to students whom did not have any challenge in their lives (Kauffman et al., 2018). Further, there were no proper rules to ensure that the disabled children were not bullied by other students. Dylan was always alone and the other children discriminated him not because of his ethnicity but due to his disability. The discrimination caused emotional torture to him and he could always be seen screaming and crying in class. Moreover, there was...
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