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Week 1 - Discussion 2 Special Education: Least Restrictive Environment

Essay Instructions:

Review Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) in both texts and any other scholarly articles.

Respond to the following prompts in the Least Restrictive Environment forum by Friday 01/18/19:

What does LRE look like for students with special needs?

How is the LRE decided?

Why is it important to ensure a student is educated in the least restrictive environment?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Special Education: Least Restrictive Environment
Special Education: Least Restrictive Environment
Human beings all over the world are different in many ways. There are those who are physically challenged with different types of disabilities. Most people tend to treat them differently because they have a feeling that they are incomplete. However, the government of most countries tends to provide forums and education systems that will educate them in the best way possible. It simply means that in the least Restrictive Environment, the students suffering from disabilities are entitled to receive education from the other students without disabilities to the maximum degree. It is further stated that if the said student needs help, it should be accorded to them despite their differences. For instance, if they need an interpreter who will help them understand the taught content in the best way possible, they should be provided wherever needed. The essay discusses important aspects of the Least Restrictive Environment like how it is decided upon and how L.R.E helps students.
For a child to be put in the least Restrictive Environment, there has to be some consideration. If the environment seems like a regular thing for the child in addition to fitting perfectly in the said environment with the inclusion of the needed services and extra help, then the general education class will be the child’s L.R.E. Students with special needs should learn in the Least Restrictive Environment (Rozalski, Stewart and Miller, 2014). This means that the students with special needs are supposed maximum time with other students who do not receive special education. This means that they should have normal classes like the other children apart from when their disability is severe and needs special attention. This helps in making them feel they are n...
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