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Week 1 - Special Education -Course Project: Appendix Submit Assignment

Essay Instructions:

the order is to create an index with terminology related to special education in public schools in the US. At the end I will order the full research paper but the professor is starting from the index card.

Create a Glossary of Terms that will become the Appendix for your research paper. Do not copy the definitions of terms word for word from the text or other references.

Ensure you spell out common acronyms in the field followed by the acronym in parenthesis.

Include the following terms:


parental rights


nondiscriminatory evaluation


appropriate education


procedural due process

parent and student participation


Section 504


supplementary aids and services

Universal Design



positive behavior support

multiple disabilities





Orthopedic Impairment


Intellectual Disabilities

Emotional Disturbance


Visual Impairments

Hearing Impairment




Research Paper: Weekly Sections Rubric

Research Paper: Weekly Sections Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Pages, Writing Ability & Content

4.0 pts

Paper was written at the graduate education level without grammatical areas and clearly expressed ideas and concepts. Paper was on-topic and followed the topical heading provided in the paper template. Three or more pages.

3.0 pts

Paper was written with a few grammar and syntax errors, but was generally well written. Ideas and concepts were clearly expressed. Paper was on-topic and followed the topical headings provided in the paper template. At least 2 pages.

2.0 pts

Paper was written with some grammar and syntax errors. Ideas and concepts had some lack of clarity. Paper was somewhat on-topic, but digressed from the topical headings provided in the paper template. At least one page.

1.0 pts

Paper was written with quite a bit of grammar and syntax errors. Ideas and concepts were unclear. Paper deviated from the topical areas provided in the paper template. Less than a page.

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Format

2.0 pts

Completely followed APA formatting rules.

1.5 pts

Predominantly followed APA formatting rules, with a 1, 2 or 3 mistakes.

1.0 pts

Sometimes followed APA formatting rules

0.5 pts

Marginally followed APA formatting rules

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome References

1.0 pts

4 or more sources properly cited in paper

0.75 pts

3 sources properly cited in paper

0.5 pts

2 sources properly cited in paper

0.25 pts

1 source cited

1.0 pts

Total Points: 7.0

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Special Education Course Project: Appendix Submit Assignment
Special Education Course Project: Appendix Submit Assignment
Accommodations – Accommodations are convenient settlements to ensure that people with disabilities live well in their respective environments.
ADHD -- an acronym in special needs standing for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This is a chronic condition that causes the affected person to have difficulty paying attention in addition to being highly impulsive.
and interact.
Appropriate Education- Appropriate education is an educational right policy that ensures that all children with different disabilities in US have a guarantee that is facilitated through IDEA and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Autism– Autism is a serious growth disorder that affects the ability of one in communicating
Blindness – Blindness is the condition that affects an individual and his or her sense of seeing, where one might end up using some approaches such as brail when reading.
Deafness – Deafness is the condition that affects one’s ability to hear what is happening in one’s environment.
Emotional Disturbance – Emotional disturbance is a psychological state that affects the psychotic health and well being of a person.
ESEA – is an acronym that stands for Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Hearing Impairment – Hearing impairment is the type of condition that affects the ability of one to hear or listen clearly. Hearing impairment occurs in most occasions where one’s hearing parts or structured are damaged.
IDEA - is an acronym that stands for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The Act is a federal regulation applied in the field of special education to enhance the education of people with special needs.
IEP – IEP is an acronym in special education that stands for Individualized Education Program. IEP is a document developed to suit and be applied in each publicschool to ensure that the learnerscan access special education well through periodical reviews.
Inclusion- Refers to educating disabled learners with various disabilities inregular education settings.
Intellectual Disabilities – Intellectual disabilities are the type of health status or conditions that people might have, which affects the intelligence level and their way of thinking.
LRE- LRE stands for Least Restrictive Environment, which is a federal law requirement that ensures that the students with disabilities can receive quality education together with their peers who are nondisabled appropriately.
Multiple Disabilities – Means that one has various impairments that have severe educational needs that might affect one in his or her learning in a normal classroom setting.
Nondiscriminatory Evaluation – nondiscriminatory evaluations areobligatory tests given to children to evaluate a child's primary language and communication abilities.
OHI-- an acronym commonly used in special needs education that means Other Health Impairment. It simply refers to other disabilities that do not fall under IDEA. The affected people in this category have limited alertness to things happening around them among many others.
Orthopaedic Impairment -- refers to an impairment caused by presence of illnesses such as poliomyelitis or tuberculosis among other illnesses.
Parent and Student Participation - Parent and Student Participation is a policy that binds both children and their parents in various decision making.
Parental rights- Parental rights are the legal concepts that ascribes that parental right used in decision making that regards a child's education, religious rights and the healthcare of the children in different situations including separations.
Positive Behavior Supp...
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