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Post Observation Self-Reflection Sheet Sample

Essay Instructions:

Lesson goal/objective:


The students will be able to write subtraction sentences by using pictures.

 (It is also a math lesson, so do my first observation. Because I think I do not do well for my first observation. So, I want to focus on math one more time)



  1. Did this lesson unfold as you had planned? If not, what changed and why? If yes, what was the number 1 aspect of the lesson that went well?


This lesson is totally unfolded as I had planned. The number one aspect of this lesson that went well is all the students can be able to answer my questions with correct answer. Even though, there were a few students did not focus on the lesson sometime, but I brought their attention back to the lesson by asking question and they are able to answer the question which made me impressive. Also, they finished the independent activity by their own, and shared their work without any help.



  1. Did your students learn what you had intended them to learn? What evidence did you gather that represent students’ learning?  How did it represent students learning and understanding?  How did YOU provide your students with meaningful feedback that supported students’ language and literacy development? 


I am sure my students learned what I had intended them to know. My lesson was about to write subtraction sentence based on the pictures. There was a small activity after I taught them, it was asked students to write a subtraction sentence based the question I had given on the screen and they also need to draw pictures to match their works. This is a 5-minute independent activity, so the students needed to do it by themselves. I asked them to share their work after five mins. The students' work and how they read and write the subtraction sentences in class were evidence that represented their learning and understanding of the concept I taught.  Their pictures also can show their understanding of the concept I taught to them. If they had not understood what I taught them, they would not be able to complete this activity independently. Notably, when my students were sharing, I would ask them to read the subtraction sentence they wrote and explain how their pictures match to their subtraction sentences.  This can help students' language and literacy development; they can use the key vocabulary that we learn in this lesson. Whenever if they made a mistake, I would correct and complement their work. Of course, I would definitely compliment their works.



  1. Consider the active and multimodal nature of young children learning and the variety of learners in your class who may require different strategies/supports (edTPA handbook).  For example: Did you account for students’ individual learning styles, special needs, ELL’s needs, use of technology, cultural relevance, etc.  If you could teach this lesson again to the same group of students, what changes would you make and why?


I would speak more slowly, the pronounce will be clearer when I speak slow, so the students can more understand my instruction.  I would also define vocabulary in the language that the English language learner speaks and allow someone who speaks their language to help the ELL students because they are kindergarteners and may be unable to understand the vocabulary of instruction provided in their language. As such, extra help from others who can speak their language will be significant reinforcement. I would ask more probing questions, likes "how and why" to engage my students' thinking.

I would make a connection with the pictures I used on the m lesson. I use pictures of dumpling, churros, and soda breads as pictures examples onto my lesson. I asked students that “Have you ever try churros before” to make a connection with their life experiences when we were working on the question with churros. But I did not make a connection with dumpling and soda bread. I should relate dumpling and soda bread with students’ life and provide them a little bit of history.  Ex: “do you know dumpling is from China?”. Also, can use “Have you ever…?”, “Have you being to…?” these kinds of question to engage students to participate in the class.

I would play a scavenger hunt game with students to ask them to search some household items as our example materials. For example, I would ask them to get 4 spoons, and give 2 spoons to your best friend, how many spoons do you left? I would ask them to manipulate the question on hands, it can motivate students' interest and develop their fine and gross motor skills.

I would provide a take home activity just like my first observation. This can involve family engagement into this lesson. This is not only can help students deeply understanding the concept of the lesson, it also can help families to learn that participate in children's learning can help their children to gain positive learning skills and built up a positive learning environment which are very significate for young children.


  1. Based upon your reflections, what have you learned about your teaching strengths and challenges? What are some next steps that you could take before your next observation that could strengthen any of your teaching skills?


I learned about to use diverse pictures can encourage students to participate in the class, because students can make a connection with those pictures. Next time, I will try to slow down my speaking speed, how slow I am, how clear it would be to the students. I will be more creative and individualize which I can use some funny games into my lesson. For example, musical chair, scavenger hunts or flash card, etc.

I will also be stronger on verbal instructions and flexible, I can use movement break to bring students’ attention back to my lesson if they are not focusing. Example I can say: “XXX(student’s name), let’s focus back over here”, or “Let’s do five mins jumping jarks”

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Post Observation Self-Reflection Sheet
(Submit 24 hours after post observation conference)
Lesson goal/objective:
The students will be able to write subtraction sentences by using pictures.
 (It is also a math lesson, so do my first observation. Because I think I do not do well for my first observation. So, I want to focus on math one more time)
* Did this lesson unfold as you had planned? If not, what changed and why? If yes, what was the number 1 aspect of the lesson that went well?
This lesson unfolded as I had planned. The first aspect of this lesson that went well is that all the students could answer my questions correctly. Even though a few of them did not focus on the lesson sometimes, I brought their attention back to the class by asking questions, and they answered well; this impressed me. Also, they finished the independent activity on their own and shared their work without any help.
* Did your students learn what you had intended them to learn? What evidence did you gather that represent students' learning? How did it represent students learning and understanding? How did YOU provide your students with meaningful feedback that supported students' language and literacy development?
I am sure my students learned what I had intended them to know. My lesson was about writing subtraction sentences based on the pictures. There was a small activity after I taught them; I asked students to write a subtraction sentence based on the question I had given on the screen, and they also needed to draw pictures to match their works. It was a 5-minute independent activity, so the students needed to do it by themselves. I asked them to share their work after five mins. The students' work and how they wrote and read the subtraction sentences in class was evidence that represented their learning and understanding of the concept I taught. Their pictures also showed their understanding of the concept I taught to them. If they had not understood what I taught them, they would not manage to complete the activity independently. Notably, when my students were sharing, I would ask them to read the subtraction sentence they wrote and explain how their pictures match their subtraction sentences. This helps students' language and literacy development; they can use the key vocabulary we learn. I would correct and complement their work whenever they made mistakes. In the end, I complimented their works to give them morale.
* Consider the active and multimodal nature of young children learning and the variety of learners in your class who may require different strategies/supports (edT...
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