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Professionalism as an Educator: Professional Conduct for Teachers

Essay Instructions:


Part 1: Professionalism as an Educator Table

For this assignment, research the topic of professional conduct for teachers, focusing on interactions with students, families, coworkers, key stakeholders, and administrators. Complete the “Professionalism as an Educator” table describing ways to promote professional, positive, collaborative relationships across the school system, and to create an appropriate supportive educational environment for students.

All entries in the table must be supported by a reference . The references may include the NEA Code of Ethics, the NASDTEC Code of Ethics, the InTASC dispositions, the Arizona Administrative Code.

Part 2: Reflection

In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on your personal professionalism as a future educator and your ability to display the behaviors you described in your table. Describe how you will apply the codes of ethics, professional standards of practice, and relevant laws and policies professional decision-making in order to promote positive, collaborative relationships and a supportive educational environment for students.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Professionalism as an Educator
Student Name
Part 1: Describe a professional behavior that will help promote a positive school culture and collaborative relationships. Beneath the description, use GCU format to cite a professional guideline that supports the behavior. Refer to the resources in Topic 1 to support your examples. Each example should not exceed 25 words (excluding the reference).


Students' Families



Sample answer: All gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students will be treated with dignity and respect.
Arizona Administrative Code. Title 7. Education, Article 13. Conduct – R7-2-1308- Unprofessional and Immoral Conduct. Retrieved from http://apps.azsos.gov/public_services/Title_07/7-02.pdf

Sample answer: When interacting with families of a diverse culture, act respectfully, and build harmonious relationships through respectful communication.
Grand Canyon University. COE Dispositions, Respect for the Diversity of Others. Retrieved from /College-of-Education/Resources/ Professional-Dispositions-of-Learners.php

Sample answer: When in a disagreement with a fellow teacher, the conflict will be resolved privately, with civility and consistency within district policy.
National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification. Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE). Retrieved from /

Sample answer: When applying for a teaching position, the information shared in the resume and interview will be truthful and accurate.
National Education Association. Code of Ethics. Retrieved from /home/ 30442.htm)

1 Educators should build a relationship with students by maintaining boundaries to understand students' personal, academic background to promote academic and personal growth.
National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification. (2015). Model code of ethics for educators. Retrieved April 27, 2021, from /page/MCEE_Doc.

1 Educators should communicate with the parents and share the students' academic and social performance success. This develops a positive connection with the parents.
Aguilar, E. (2011). 20 Tips for Developing Positive Relationships With Parents. Retrieved April 27, 2021, from

1 Professional educators should maintain confidential, collaborative relationships with their co-workers. They should recognize their colleagues' contributions and not participate in practices
that derail their reputations or affect their success in working with children and families.
National Association for the Education of Young Children, (2005). Code of ethical conduct and statement of Commitment. Retrieved April 27, 2021, from /files/naeyc/file/positions/PSETH05.pdf

1 Educators should utilize the properties, facilities, and school resources with respect to the school, local, and state rules and regulations
National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification. (2015). Model code of ethics for educators. Retrieved April 27, 2021, from /page/MCEE_Doc.

2 Professional teachers should ratify confidentiality by concealing information regarding a student unless when required by law.
Association of American Educators, (2016). Code of ethics for educators. Retrieved April 27, 2021, from

2 Professional teachers must respect the values and strive to learn about the diverse customs, language, and culture to ensure a consistent environment for all families and children.
Association of American Educators, (2016). Code of ethics for educators. Retrieved April 27, 2021, from

2 Educators should maintain confidentiality regarding their colleagues' information unless when required by law.
Association of American Educators, (2016). Code of ethics for educators. Retrieved April 27, 2021, from /index.php/about-us/aae-code-of-ethics

1 Educators should consider what effects and implications receiving favors and offers from people in authority may have in their job.
National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification. (2015). Model code of ethics for educators. Retrieved April 27, 2021, from /page/MCEE_Doc.

3 Educators should avoid discussing illegal sexual relationships with their students. They should always meet with students in open locations and wear suitable clo...
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