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Inquiry-Based Learning

Essay Instructions:

Part 1: Explain inquiry-based instruction to future humanities content area teachers and how it can be implemented in the classroom.

Should include:

State standard within your content area and a learning objective that could be used for cross-disciplinary inquiry-based instruction.

Detailed description of inquiry-based learning and a rationale for humanities content area implementation.

Example of an inquiry-based learning experience that makes use of the academic language and engages in conceptual understanding in the content areas.

Two examples of digital resources that would assist in implementing real-world inquiry-based learning methods to promote curiosity and exploration, and foster ownership of learning.

Part 2: Reflection

Along with your part 1, include a 250-500 word reflection on the importance of including inquiry-based learning as an instructional method.

How are inquiry-based instructional methods well-suited to cross-disciplinary instruction in humanities content areas?

What are some benefits and challenges of implementing inquiry-based instruction?

How will you implement inquiry-based learning in your future professional practice?

Support your presentation and reflection with 2-4 scholarly resources.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Inquiry-Based Learning
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Inquiry-Based Learning
Part 1
Inquiry-based learning is a method that applies to learning by stressing the role of students in the process of erudition. Apart from the educators instructing learners about the concepts they must grasp, students are motivated to discover an insightful message in the material, conduct much inquiry, and communalize their thoughts. Inquiry-based learning utilizes distinct strategies to learning, inclusive of small-cohort informative dialogue and directed learning (Birney & Cronin, 2019). Rather than committing material and ideas/ facts to memory, students learn by practical application. It, therefore, permits them to construct skills via exploitation, involvement, and conversation. Assuming that a content area is a social problem like climate change, inquiry-based learning can provide learners with skills to solve human issues like social problems (climate change) and find satisfying results for future inference (Birney & Cronin, 2019).
Irrespective of the form, inquiry-based learning’s objectives are to enhance learners’ capacities in analyzing, synthesizing, and assessing information based on the content area—according to Bloom’s idea in taxonomy, it is an illustration of high-level rationalizing (Birney & Cronin, 2019). Again, it should be a learning form that bears standards and creating learners into distinct persons. For instance, inquiry-based learning should enable students to create their questioning, conducting research, and dialogue or communication skills. It should also offer ideas in collaborating externally, not only in the classroom. Inquiry-based learning must equally entail concepts of problem-solving, developing solutions, and tackling actual-life questions and concerns (Birney & Cronin, 2019). it should also offer learners knowledge on contributing to the development and enrichment of skills and ideas.
For instance, a sociology educator may realize how learners solve a social issue like climate during inquiry sessions. Educators in humanities can display how to tackle challenges, though by playing an oversight role while learners engage in research and discussion of ideas to attain results and answers, they are capable of achieving an improved comprehension of the sequence followed to reach the solution (Tornee, Bunterm & Tang, 2017). Thus, it enables the educator to make corrections and offer exclusive guidance. It equally allows them to see how every learner visualizes a challenge and its concept explanation in an exceptional manner. Instructors are, therefore, capable of obtaining an in-depth comprehension of how their apprentices rationalize and learn about social challenges.
Implementing the concept in the classroom makes it imperative to observe some critical steps that will guarantee its efficiency in the line of knowledge dispersion. The first step that an educator should take is considering never to respond to questions from students. Instead of answering learners’ questions, react with more queries pointed at them (Sagy, Hod & Kali, 2019). Spoon-feeding is not good for learning, but the educator can demonstrate some ways of establishing research. Another step is spending much time on ventures and little time on instructing. A project-based education appears to be the most effective learning method; it is incomparable to lecturing/ instructing (Khalaf, 2018). The third step is accepting never will two classes be comparable. If an educator handles two classes, it is significant t...
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