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Learning Enhancement, Advancement, and Direction (LEAD) Framework

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, you will revisit the personal and professional goals you submitted in the admissions process and annotate information in the Learning Enhancement, Advancement, and Direction (LEAD) Framework. You can make any modifications to reflect your current personal, professional, and academic goals within the appropriate areas of the grid. Incorporate program outcomes analysis from discussion responses as relevant.

This submission does not need to be formatted according to APA; however, you need to include references.

Part 2: LEAD Framework Presentation

Develop an audiovisual presentation using the LEAD Grid you developed in Part 1. Present the ideas in a different way using Jing (Links to an external site.), VoiceThread (Links to an external site.), PowerPoint with audio, or another presentation tool. A list of presentation tools compatible with Canvas are available on the Module 1 Learning Objects page. This is your chance to practice technical expectations for future courses. These can be two separate files.

This submission does not need to be formatted according to APA; however, you need to create 4 to 5 slides and include references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Learning Enhancement, Advancement, and Direction (LEAD) Framework
In this assignment, you will revisit the personal and professional goals you submitted in the admissions process and annotate information in the grid. You can make any modifications to reflect your current personal and professional goals within the appropriate areas of the grid. Incorporate program outcomes analysis (from discussion responses) as relevant.
Your submission should:
* Include at least five substantive items per category. Be specific and realistic when writing your ideas in all categories.
* Include title and reference pages, and follow all the previously identified writing criteria.
* Analyze your learning philosophy.
PLEASE NOTE: Upload the completed grid in the course, and retain a copy for submission in your capstone course.

My Strengths

My Developmental Areas

My Accomplishments

Ways I Make Decisions

Prioritized How I Learn Best

Resources I Should or Can Use

How I Accept Constructive Feedback

How I Offer Constructive feedback


1.Communication skills
2. Eager to learn
3.Discipline to pursue my teaching and learning goals
4, Open to learning
5. Highly engaging

1. Ability to engage
2. Ability to empower
3. Relationship building
4, Linking theory and professional competence
5. Inspiring and influencing change.

1. Participated in research
2. Completed all my undergraduate and gained experience.
3. Planning education sessions and seminars.
4, I have taken leadership responsibilities in various capacities
5. I have improved my communication skills and competencies.

1. Evaluating options.
2.Considering the likely outcome of my decisions
3. I am a good listener who listens to others.
4, Making observations and being open-minded
5. Make a list of priorities and focus on the most plausible explanations.

1. Reflect on what I have learned
2. Evaluate what is most effective
3. Get feedback from colleagues, friends, and family members
4, Research on a topic and determine the relevance of research findings
5.Brainstorming activities and thinking out aloud.

1. Seek professional development opportunities.
2. Advice from colleagues.
3. Seek information and evidence from different sources.
4, Learning from experience and past knowledge.
5. Collaborate with educators.

1. Focus on active listening when interacting with others
2. Maintaining an open mind
3. Hold back judgment until I get all the information
4, Ask for feedback from different people and evaluate the situation using such information
5. Grow and develop from people’s feedback

1. Ask to clarify and follow up with explanations and details based on response
2. Be empathetic and listen to the other person
3. Use feedback at the appropriate time and context
4, Frame feedback in a positive manner
5. Give feedback when necessary and on time


1. Ability to explain things
2. Ability to connect.
3. Lessons planning abilities
4. Knowledge of technology.
5. Research skills

1. Highly dedicated to teaching and learning.
2. Reflection
3. Team player and collaboration Organization
4, Leadership
5. Continuous learning.

1. I hav...
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