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Effective Instructional Methods and Engagement Strategies: Inquiry and Collaboration

Essay Instructions:

Effective instructional methods and engagement strategies create a meaningful way to have students actively learn. Implementing more student-centered learning models allows students to make connections between what they know and what they are learning, and then apply it in different situations.

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Observe and discuss the following with your mentor teacher:

Part 1: Inquiry

During this field experience you will observe a secondary classroom in one of the humanities content areas or social studies (history, social sciences, and geography), the arts (visual and performance), or English/ELA (reading, writing, and oral language), paying particular attention to the instructional method the teacher utilizes. Following your observation, collaborate with your mentor teacher and inquire about the following:

What instructional methods do you use? How do you decide which instructional methods are best suited for each lesson?

What strategies do you use to integrate all areas of humanities in a lesson?

What strategies do you use to assess student learning before, during, and after instruction?

What strategies do you use to engage students in learning?

What is your strategy to group students for a lesson/project?

Part 2: Collaboration

In addition to your observation and discussion, share with your mentor teacher the requirements document you created detailing the requirements of future field experiences for this course. Specifically address the following:

Discuss ideas for your lesson plan in an attempt to correlate with the topics the mentor teacher will be covering.

Schedule to assist the mentor teacher with a specific lesson during Topic 4 that will require you to interact with students.

Schedule the implementation of your lesson plan during Topic 6 with the class or a small group.

Identify and meet with a school librarian or media resource specialist and discuss how to integrate technology with your lesson.

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the mentor teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

In 250 words, summarize your observation and collaboration with your mentor teacher. What methods and strategies discussed do you anticipate using in your future professional practice? Based on your conversation with your mentor teacher, how prepared are you to meet the requirements in the future field experiences?

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Clinical Field Experience: Inquiry and Collaboration
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course ID
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
Clinical Field Experience: Inquiry and Collaboration
Programing a lesson or unit engages several instructional choices. The educator should recognize the strengths, the processes and content to be covered, necessities, and student preferences, the mutual essential learning strategy that can adapt, and the most efficient instructional methods. Such choices are crucial and should be chosen intentionally and decisively. Glickman asserted that operative teaching is not a group of essential practices; nonetheless, it is a group of context-propelled choices that teaching (Khaldi et al., 2019).
Part 1: Inquiry
Since the humanity content area is a social science, the most effective approaches for instruction can involve dramatization, inquiry, question and answer, case studies, or debate (McConnell et al., 2017). The methods best suit the subject area because it needs practicality and deep research to acquire enough and essential information. Besides, social science is a vast field of education, which directly influences society. Thus, practical work like engaging in research is viable. Moreover, some of the most valuable learning strategies can be interactive, experimental, direct, independent, or indirect (McConnell et al., 2017). Such a strategy may essential in integrating the subject area. The procedure for assessing students before, during, and after learning can assign group work, introduce concept tests, design exams, design and utilize rubrics, or apply classroom evaluation techniques.
Also, it is vital to engage students in learning sessions, thus, discussion or question and answer session, or introducing group work in the session. The group work can be a research-based topic that will require them to search for facts. Hence, my strategy to group learners is to assign a project work or give a group assignment.
Part 2: Collaboration
From my observation following my mentor teac...
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