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Science Annotated Bibliography

Essay Instructions:
Create an annotated bibliography of educational resources for teaching science in the pre-K through grade 3 classroom. Include 2 student-focused and 2 teacher-focused resources from the following sources: Books Technology that provides alternative ways for young learners to demonstrate competency Multimedia materials (including web-based or videos) Articles Professional and community resources Include a minimum of 2 technology resources and 1 professional or community resource. Use APA style to set up your annotated bibliography: Begin each annotation with the reference in APA format. List all annotations in alphabetical order by author. Block indent all annotations. In the annotation for each resource, be sure to: Explain how content and skill development can be supported by the resources. Evaluate the resources for quality, accuracy, and effectiveness. Evaluate the resources as support for analysis, reflection, and problem-solving. Consider the diversity of your young learners, including English learners and students with exceptional needs, when selecting your resources.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Science Annotated Bibliography Author's Name The Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor Name Assignment Due Date Ashbrook, P. (2010). Science is simple: Over 250 activities for preschoolers. ReadHowYouWant.com. This book by Peggy Ashbrook, Science is Simple, is a valuable tool for teachers and educators teaching children in Pre-Kindergarten to grade 3. It offers around 250 easy, practical activities to learn scientific concepts engagingly. Science is Simple covers several scientific topics, such as animals, plants, magnetism, the human body, and weather. The text also suggests a list of materials required to carry out elementary scientific experiments through easy-to-understand instructions. This reference book aims to spark science enthusiasm in children and make teaching science easy for teachers. It is a teacher-focused resource to help teachers teach science to toddlers as efficiently as possible. To ensure that the book serves its purpose of engaging students effectively in science classrooms, the author has included activities that are relatable, easy to observe, and explore that toddlers witness around them, such as weather, plants, etc. National Geographic Kids (n.d.) National Geographic. https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ National Geographic Kids is a website with engaging photos, articles, and short videos on science. This website targets children in early education by giving them quizzes and games to engage them in learning science. Using technology, this website sparks curiosity in early graders and helps them learn more about the earth, weather, plants, etc. Moreover, exciting vid...
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